She accused Quay a couple of days ago and was basically sending people to attack her, while Quay wasn't even the one who did it.
the red flag was lady says she was attacked by some one who is 6 foot 3 (Quay is 5'2).
The accuser also has raised over $2000 from this situation + has transphobic publications droppin articles ab quay.
as a trans person, this whole situation got me heated like dawg niggas really hate us
I saw the initial tweets, thats crazy and f***ed up.
Hopefully she’s able to clear her name fully
She said she was assaulted on May 16 2024
And you say the biggest red flag is the inaccurate height
She said she was assaulted on May 16 2024
And you say the biggest red flag is the inaccurate height
Why u got me chuckling in class smh
Saw archangel (one of my fav djs in nyc) tweet and my heart sank for a second.
But @op this is the sad effect of “callout culture” mixed with identity politics and pettiness.
Fortunately it looks like most ppl can see this is bs.
This is such an ugly thing that aint even uncommon (a lot of cis women are transphobic asf) tbh.
SB (cause hearing this is bushwick is NOT surprising) This is also why you GOTTA stay out of close proximity with ppl that have mental illnesses in the “several” category cause wooooooo lawd I couldnt
used to listen to quay dash a lot back in the day, nasty business to do this to someone