With all due respect, I’m pretty sure a “cis rights” thread in music sxn wouldn’t go over well since you brought up that as a comparison
No s***. Wonder why.
I bet a white pride thread with Tom macdonald posts would go over great too
I mean ur right that’s a bs thread but it’s just a fun not serious thread that actually revolves around an artist
This is a politically charged thread and has literally zero business being in music sxn
Oh no
Here we have the straights feeling marginalized :(
Poor cissys :(
@chloehotline is ktt's own and trans and makes great music def check her s*** out
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnV-CffIoUs&list=OLAK5uy_kEYboOK8DMaWb9AksVU3V2umKyVZVkG4k&index=4No s***. Wonder why.
I bet a white pride thread with Tom macdonald posts would go over great too
I hope my point isn’t being misunderstood, op is the one who made the comparison to a thread about cis artists and I just went with that. I obviously don’t believe that anything about “cis rights” or anything similar would be valid at all, and not trying to say this thread isn’t valid. My point is they’re way too different to make that comparison
Trans as a commodity thread
insane comment. being trans isn''t a commodity. i'm transfem myself
cmon dude "divisiveness" is not what causes transphobia lol transphobic people do. this post isn't far from "trans activists cause transphobia" which is a ridiculous assertion. trans activists are undermined by transphobes, not ktt threads
I’m not saying divisiveness causes transphobia. I’m saying divisiveness undermines your cause and makes people not want to support you
I don’t want to argue about this though
insane comment. being trans isn''t a commodity. i'm transfem myself
I mean this thread isn't about the rights of trans people. It's about their music, which is a commercial product.
Oh no
Here we have the straights feeling marginalized :(
Poor cissys :(
This is exactly the Us Vs. Them mentality I was just talking about lol
Will you shut the fucl up for a minute just post damn trans artists
If it was called “trans artists thread” that’s probably what would be happening lol
If it was called “trans artists thread” that’s probably what would be happening lol
Who the hell cares man just read OP
@DasmoPluxgod update the title so they can shut the hell up
@DasmoPluxgod update the title so they can shut the hell up
i don't think its possible to edit the title ov your post
rightfully so, cishets aren't oppressed
So cis workers, black people, women, people living in the third world, indigenous people, political prisoners, aren’t oppressed?