Yo yo yo, listen up fam, I gotta lay down some straight facts about Travis Scott's track "Black and Chinese" 'cause it's straight fire, no cap! Like, you ever listen to a song and it's like WHOOSH, takes you to another dimension?
Yo yo yo, listen up fam, I gotta lay down some straight facts about Travis Scott's track "Black and Chinese" 'cause it's straight fire, no cap! Like, you ever listen to a song and it's like WHOOSH, takes you to another dimension?
this whole album was very forgettable
Quiet up and listen down.
this whole album was very forgettable
Quiet up and listen down.
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybzBmyqcjD8&pp=ygUVYW5hbG9ndWUgdHJhdmlzIHNjb3R0Quiet up and listen down.
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybzBmyqcjD8&pp=ygUVYW5hbG9ndWUgdHJhdmlzIHNjb3R0its crazy that he still uses this flow
I'm not clicking on that link, nephew.
I'm not clicking on that link, nephew.
black and chinese
!dream Chinese Taylor Swift