Can’t wait for escape plan to go number 1 then inevitably fall off the charts like his singles tend to do
Can’t wait for escape plan to go number 1 then inevitably fall off the charts like his singles tend to do
He isn’t dropping no single bro
Bro better be doing something that isn’t Escape Plan Lost Forever UTOPIA SOON bs
Can never trust him like that
His big premier last fest was GNF
Announcing UTOPIA's release date at the end of his fest performance would be cool, like how Thug did for P*NK at the end of that TinyDesk performance
Still doubt it is any time soon though since Taylor & Adele got rest of this month on lock
31/12/21 would be an amazing drop-date, it's a Friday too
We gotta get something on Friday
We gotta get something on Friday
Maybe Escape Plan, but this rollout is moving so weird, wouldn't be surprised if nothing arrives on streaming
Announcing UTOPIA's release date at the end of his fest performance would be cool, like how Thug did for P*NK at the end of that TinyDesk performance
Still doubt it is any time soon though since Taylor & Adele got rest of this month on lock
He's got a nice gap this week before Taylor next week
He's got a nice gap this week before Taylor next week
Taylor is also just a rerelease so it’s not as major as Adele
Don’t think this is the whole album.
Just a single
Don’t think this is the whole album.
Just a single
It’s the prelude to Utopia