I will cashapp $50 to the first 3 people that quote this if Escape Plan does not have a Mike Dean outro
Na not you
Na not you
You owe me for the slop
I will cashapp $50 to the first 3 people that quote this if Escape Plan does not have a Mike Dean outro
@MURKY @americana @CuzzoP Quote me tonight lads
You have sources You already heard the song
You have sources You already heard the song
No I haven’t
Kroniic has heard Utopia already
All of it
Kroniic has heard Utopia already
Album of life!
Dystopia is probably this 2 song EP ngl
Dystopia is probably this 2 song EP ngl
There’s no way the a24 film is like 10 minutes long
There’s no way the a24 film is like 10 minutes long
The film will definitely center around Utopia regardless of what its titled
There’s no way the a24 film is like 10 minutes long
Nah that’s a separate thing
This is the rumored tape