  • RIP_Actavis

    Travis is an inarticulate moron

    His once impenetrably cool awkwardness comes across as so disrespectful in this, and he drips with insensitivity

    Every answer he gives somehow manages to orbit around providing any substance or authenticity

    Most importantly, he has yet to actually say “I’m Sorry”. Instead he continues to deflect blame and distract with empty promises about future concerns safety.

    What an awful look, there are still families grieving and he decides to take part in a strategic interview to further disassociate him from the responsibility of those that deceased

    His responses are as hollow as his personality

    Dude is getting sued for billions lol why would you expect him to take the blame

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Dec 9, 2021

    Travis on the content of his music going forward



    he basically said nothing there

  • Dec 9, 2021
    2 replies

    Aint watch yet but travis is in a tough spot. If he doesnt speak up he gets criticized for being silent, when he does speak up he gets called fake. What do yall want him to do lol

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Dec 9, 2021

    why couldn't they even wait until the next year
    this puts such a bad flavor on the holidays

  • Dec 9, 2021

    The whole interview might as well just be this

  • Hedobevibindoe

    Been saying this

    shouldn't you be jelqing?

  • Dec 9, 2021
    1 reply

    This man talks like hes missing major parts of his brain

    He's on the spectrum

  • Dec 9, 2021

    Been saying this

    There's nothing he can say or do that will change people's minds.

    If he broke down crying saying he's sorry and blah blah blah People would probably be even more pissed saying he's acting or trying to get sympathy.

    All he can do is handle his legal situations, people are too small minded to understand this was a tragedy and there's multiple factors that contributed to it.

  • Dec 10, 2021

    don’t know how a conversation about how people DIED is supposed to be entertaining.

    you guys will try to make anything out of nothing.. even if i misused the word why in the f*** would you think that’s what I meant?
    .... i was saying this s*** is boring because all he is doing is giving PC answers instead of being genuine. (obviously because his lawyers advised him to.)
    i’m not interested in hearing bullshit answers. why would you actually invest an hour watching this s*** like you’re going to gain any type of understanding out of it??
    i bet you watched this s*** with your cactus jack merch on.

  • Dec 10, 2021

    This interview was clearly a chess move for something bigger we don’t know


  • Dec 10, 2021
    2 replies
    Bernie X

    Y’all some mental midgets

    shut the f*** up you dumb b****
    you niggas need to get off ktt if you really this emotional

  • Dec 10, 2021

    Travis is an inarticulate moron

    His once impenetrably cool awkwardness comes across as so disrespectful in this, and he drips with insensitivity

    Every answer he gives somehow manages to orbit around providing any substance or authenticity

    Most importantly, he has yet to actually say “I’m Sorry”. Instead he continues to deflect blame and distract with empty promises about future concerns safety.

    What an awful look, there are still families grieving and he decides to take part in a strategic interview to further disassociate him from the responsibility of those that deceased

    His responses are as hollow as his personality

    Makes sense why he’s with Kylie tbh

  • Dec 10, 2021

    shut the f*** up you dumb b****
    you niggas need to get off ktt if you really this emotional

    Ooooo I’m tellingggggg

  • Dec 10, 2021
    1 reply

    shut the f*** up you dumb b****
    you niggas need to get off ktt if you really this emotional

    You’re complaining that this s*** is boring lol you really a child

  • Dec 10, 2021

  • Dec 10, 2021
    the reckoner

    You’re complaining that this s*** is boring lol you really a child

    Nigga I already explained what I meant. only morons like you assumed I wanted to be entertained.
    when you are investing an hour into trying to understand the perspective of what happened, you want the truth & no bullshit.

    you actually sat through this and thought anything was genuine or even helpful to know now?
    I expected him to get REAL. Travis even mentioned how it’s not the first time something like this happened, already trying to avoid accountability.
    If he’s putting up a front and giving bullshit pc answers then yes i’m turning off this s***. Why would I keep watching it? To put myself to sleep listening to this nigga cap?

  • Dec 10, 2021
    1 reply

    don’t know how a conversation about how people DIED is supposed to be entertaining.

    Dec 10, 2021

    Wayne insulted his own child in an interview bro he said his first daughter would be the last dark baby he'd ever have and she was tbh

    my goat

  • Dec 10, 2021

    Travis is an inarticulate moron

    His once impenetrably cool awkwardness comes across as so disrespectful in this, and he drips with insensitivity

    Every answer he gives somehow manages to orbit around providing any substance or authenticity

    Most importantly, he has yet to actually say “I’m Sorry”. Instead he continues to deflect blame and distract with empty promises about future concerns safety.

    What an awful look, there are still families grieving and he decides to take part in a strategic interview to further disassociate him from the responsibility of those that deceased

    His responses are as hollow as his personality

    Legally, he can't/shouldn't say sorry and take responsibility.

    He should be quiet and lay low.

  • Dec 10, 2021

    Do NOT engage with that nigga bro that man's literally like not right in the head.


  • Dec 10, 2021

  • Dec 10, 2021
    1 reply

    He said ya know in literally every sentence.

    I just feel he doesn't know what to do anymore

  • Dec 10, 2021

    stupid f***
