Happy for him but sad for me because he fell off so hard
I get arguments that his quality diminished but he’s nowhere near falling off
Didn't Drake do like 300mil
Technically it wasn't solo since he brought Cole and 21 on their respective legs
Happy for him but sad for me because he fell off so hard
😭😭😭 he's mainstream now so that means he fell of I miss 2014 so bad, I miss the datpiff era😭😭😭
Not a huge Travis fan at all and it was definitely one of the best shows ive ever seen live
Feels like I’m the only dude that had a bad time at this show congrats tho
An artist could only dream to have a team and brand management just like travis
i swear this record gets broken like every month?
Congrats to the newest member of the big 3
We expect more big thing in your future so you can protect your seat
Keep making HipHop proud
thank you and regards,