I've booked a few escorts in the past, but never looked into the whole massage parlor thing until I saw the threads on KTT. So, this morning I figured I'd go to a spot after looking around yesterday if anything was nearby.
The woman walked in, she gave an excited ‘Hello’ but when she saw that I was latino she said ‘hola’ in a slightly disappointed voice. She took me to this room
Told me to get undressed and she'd be right back. She comes back and she starts scooping warm water out of the tub with a cup and starts washing me. Then she asks if I'd like a massage. I say sure, she gives me a lackluster massage for the next 5 minutes before asking if I'd like something more.
She was smoking hot, model material, but gave the worst service imaginable. Everything covered, no kissing, minimal touching and she wouldn’t even look at me. I ended up just stopping and saying I wasn’t into it. She did feel bad and offered to finish with a handie. She tried her best but I just couldn’t finish so I just said stop.
The experience just left me feeling she thought it was demeaning to provide service to someone of her kind.
Bots been programmed to talk about massage parlours dont let them distract yall
we c*******soon
I've always wanted to go to a massage parlor, but I never know how to go about finding the "good ones"
I've always wanted to go to a massage parlor, but I never know how to go about finding the "good ones"
Aren’t you engaged? smh
Big Parlour is winning
I have a weird compulsion to go to a massage parlour and try and date a s***worker offering me a handjob
Big Parlour is winning
I have a weird compulsion to go to a massage parlour and try and date a s***worker offering me a handjob
Make sure to kiss them!
I've always wanted to go to a massage parlor, but I never know how to go about finding the "good ones"
the best one is always the nearest one
She might be a subpar provider or could’ve had an off day
Before you hit a parlor you should be doing your due diligence and knowing exactly who to request so you avoid situations like this. People review these ladies and their provided services. Know what you’re getting into ahead of time.
I’m not sure wym by covered but in the mongering world that means condom on. Condom is absolutely standard for penetration but you shouldn’t have a hard time finding parlors offering bareback b******s. Do more research on your area.
These cats don’t even try anymore smh
She might be a subpar provider or could’ve had an off day
Before you hit a parlor you should be doing your due diligence and knowing exactly who to request so you avoid situations like this. People review these ladies and their provided services. Know what you’re getting into ahead of time.
I’m not sure wym by covered but in the mongering world that means condom on. Condom is absolutely standard for penetration but you shouldn’t have a hard time finding parlors offering bareback b******s. Do more research on your area.
this nigga a parlor professor
@op I had similar experience once, I went to the w**** house and saw this Arab w****. At first when she took my p**** out and saw it was circumcised she knew I was Muslim and her voice changed to a shameful disappointing tone but one she started sucking me off and saw how uber gruesome my schwants got she got thrilled and happy again.