I really enjoy his Awakening my InnerBeast, Rock The World Trippie and Beast Mode mixtapes. Some of my favorites from all of em:
I'm listening to Pegasus right now. What happened to this man?
Feel like Trippie Redd had a lot of potential that he didn't live up to.
was earmarked as the 'next uzi' but never lived up to the title
career peaked with dark knight dummo
put out way too much average-bad music (too much music full stop really) which killed any sort of interest - not an artist people need 3 albums a year from
He released ALLTY 3 and then dipped
That was his best project
i agree
ALLTY3 was so dope like every track
very coherent
good song writing
the melodrama heartbreak was at its peak
i’ve checked out every project before and since and can’t fall in love with em like did ALLTY 3
doesn't mean he couldn't be a star in his own right, i just use that tag because that was the aesthetic/style which most saw as his lane to that
He peaked at allty3
ALLTY3 is genuinely incredible, don’t think it gets the credit it really deserves
big 14 you know what the ffffffffuck going on
Beast Mode classic
OP right
Young Wild Boys in the park at night
was earmarked as the 'next uzi' but never lived up to the title
career peaked with dark knight dummo
put out way too much average-bad music (too much music full stop really) which killed any sort of interest - not an artist people need 3 albums a year from
Dark Knight Dummo sucks