  • Aug 31, 2021
    Jitney Spearx

    I have a cat ☺️

    I was actually wondering how I’d react to his presence.

    This creature lives with me and we don’t understand what each other’s saying

    Taking acid literally made me break down in tears when my cat came along because I realized he's the only one that's been through everything with me and I don't appreciate him enough Long as your cat not one that be doing the mf most, they're the perfect animal to have along side you imo.

  • Aug 31, 2021
    Jitney Spearx

    See I’m very emotional. And I over think. So it kinda worries me going into an extensively long trip. Maybe I should microdose first…

    I’ve done shrooms twice. One good trip one bad.

    My bad trip was def cuz of setting.

    Really want to try, I’ve watched just about every video on YouTube worth a damn and used to read stories.

    Just waiting till I feel I’m ready I guess. 🤓

    If you apprehensive, you good on that imo and are right in continuing to wait. I'd wait for a time when that feeling of readiness is running with a time where you're feeling stable/good.

  • Sep 1, 2021

    Alright this mf hitting hitting too, I'm watching Akira & Ye is truly the GOAT

  • Sep 1, 2021

    Gon head

    Just landed i didn’t sleep the entire flight

  • Sep 1, 2021

    Bump this fire tiktok for the comedown