This season would be better received by the internet folk if it wasn’t called True Detective
I don’t love it but I do find myself anticipating the new episode every week tbh
This season would be better received by the internet folk if it wasn’t called True Detective
I don’t love it but I do find myself anticipating the new episode every week tbh
It’s not even the fact that it’s True Detective, the show is just not good on a foundational level. The acting, writing, and directing are all laughably bad
It’s not even the fact that it’s True Detective, the show is just not good on a foundational level. The acting, writing, and directing are all laughably bad
I don't disagree. I am entertained by it though.
I enjoyed episode 5, but the ending was entirely unearned. The Hank subplot should have unfolded over several episodes. The sequence of events and delivery of information in this show baffles me.
Also feels like even though it finally moved the show one f***ing inch forward, throwing in another f\*\*\*ing murder on top of the central murder AND the murder Jodie and Kari committed telegraphs that the finale is gonna be some flagrantly unsatisfying deus ex machina bullshit. How many loose ende are we ostensibly gonna tie up in an hour long finale?
Had to pause the episode and ask what murder they even solved and the significance of it. My brain actively fights against absorbing and retaining any of this.
Getting out of an abusive relationship tonight
cmooonnnnn shake it now baby, yeeeaaaaaaaah
When that line happens, and you’ll know it when you hear it, there is a thud to end all thuds
When that line happens, and you’ll know it when you hear it, there is a thud to end all thuds
I haven’t finished yet but I do appreciate Jodie Foster doing the “I will cut you up into a million little pieces and PUT YOU in a box… a glass box. And put you on display” thing from Always Sunny to her partner
I haven’t finished yet but I do appreciate Jodie Foster doing the “I will cut you up into a million little pieces and PUT YOU in a box… a glass box. And put you on display” thing from Always Sunny to her partner
This s*** is so stupid lol
When that line happens, and you’ll know it when you hear it, there is a thud to end all thuds
I said out loud "aight nigga"
We apologize Nic! Season 2 was a masterpiece! Vince Vaughn killed those line reads! Season 3 ending was amazing! Forgive us!!!! Forgive us!!!!!
After tonight S1 continues to be the only truly must-see season of this show
Tbh we might have to give up on this s***.
Ah, what the hell brother,,, one more slowed down Twist & Shout for old times sake
"You have to finish what u started"
Why we acting like this kid did something wrong protecting his boss from his dad? :hah: I hate this
Ah, what the hell brother,,, one more slowed down Twist & Shout for old times sake
When the sun comes out and they leave Night Country (def gonna happen)
Holy f*** this was bad