  • Jan 28, 2020
    2 replies

    why trump whats he got to do with israel lol

  • Jan 28, 2020

    why trump whats he got to do with israel lol

    trump has no real strong convictions himself but israel is well embedded in the US political conscious for a variety of reasons, both organic and inorganic (such as AIPAC) and the GOP is a very strong pro-Israel party especially in recent years

  • Jan 28, 2020

    this is disgusting lmao

  • Jan 28, 2020

    “All muslims that come in peace will be able to visit and pray at the mosque”

    thank you so much trump so generous so deal

  • Jan 28, 2020

    why trump whats he got to do with israel lol

    America is the plug in Israel’s back. If it weren’t for them, there might’ve been joint international action stopping from doing at least some of their human rights abuses in Gaza and the West Bank

  • Jan 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Evangelists in shambles

  • Jan 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Evangelists in shambles

    Not really, the Christian Right loves israel for some reason. It’s the alt right that hates them

  • Jan 28, 2020

    Bruv it can’t be worse than this. First, the us says that the Israeli settlements are legal, then they propose a half ass proposal that does nothing but give Israel more power over land and development aid for Palestine.

    These two clowns deserve nothing but the worst ending possible.

  • Jan 28, 2020
    1 reply

    One state solution and its Palestine. Nothing less, nothing more

  • Jan 28, 2020

    One state solution and its Palestine. Nothing less, nothing more

  • Jan 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Not really, the Christian Right loves israel for some reason. It’s the alt right that hates them

    The Christian Right hates this deal because they believe Israel is only for Jews

  • Jan 28, 2020

    No its not as it gives Israel everything it ever wanted and leaves the Palestinians with a permenant occupation.

    This isnt a peace deal, just Trump buying Israels entire wishlist.

    The Palestinians reject it, as they should.

    I see. Thanks for the info, I'm super uninformed on this subject lol

  • Jan 28, 2020
    1 reply

    The Christian Right hates this deal because they believe Israel is only for Jews

    Oh, I see. I don’t think the ones who are mad about it are mad enough to stop backing trump or actually do anything about it tho

  • Jan 28, 2020
    2 replies

    The people in here who think Palestine will get a one state solution.

    That ship sailed along time ago. It’s Israel time baby!

  • KimJongUn

    This is a dumbass comment. Decolonization happened throughout 1/3rd of the globe during the 20th century and you're talking about right-wing conspiracy theories about moving entire populations. You literally sound like White Afrikanners during apartheid who used to say that theyd all have to move to Madagascar if Mandela became president.

    Thankfully actual history exists, go learn about it.

    "move 350 million people back to europe"

    lol why would this happen? like i said, its a dumb ass conspiracy theory invented by white supremacists. the US is big enough for white people to stay here even if the land was returned to the natives, nobody is going anywhere.

    You mean we could get a Jewish ethnostate in the US if we decolonize Israel?

  • Jan 28, 2020

  • Jan 28, 2020
    Benito Mussolini

    The people in here who think Palestine will get a one state solution.

    That ship sailed along time ago. It’s Israel time baby!

  • Jan 28, 2020
    2 replies
    Benito Mussolini

    The people in here who think Palestine will get a one state solution.

    That ship sailed along time ago. It’s Israel time baby!

    Death to Israel and every occupier, young or old, Jewish, Christian or Muslim. That land is ours and we don’t need a mythical religion to tell us otherwise

  • Jan 28, 2020
    2 replies

    Crazy how Bernie supporters have become so anti-Semitic

  • Jan 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Death to Israel and every occupier, young or old, Jewish, Christian or Muslim. That land is ours and we don’t need a mythical religion to tell us otherwise

    Good luck with that, cap!!

  • Jan 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Crazy how Bernie supporters have become so anti-Semitic

    Get the f*** out with that bullshit. You’d rather see Palestinians dying than say s*** against Israel. Crazy how libtards are anti-Palestinian

  • Jan 28, 2020
    1 reply
    Benito Mussolini

    Good luck with that, cap!!

    Let me phone the resistance forces real quick

  • Jan 28, 2020

    White Jews have the audacity to claim racism and anti-semitism in 2020 when they have been ethnically erasing a whole nation since the 40s. Not only have they been killing Arabs, they have been conspiring against Yemenites and Mizrahis and exploiting them

    You want to kill people and take their lands, but when we expose your s*** you want to cry antisemitism to incite our guilt. B**** gtfo

  • Jan 28, 2020
    1 reply

    Let me phone the resistance forces real quick

    No not the resistance forces!!!!

  • Jan 28, 2020
    1 reply
    Benito Mussolini

    No not the resistance forces!!!!

    Hamas? Hezbollah? Fateh? PLO? The communist army? You choose