  • its crazy how we like the most powerful country on earth yet for the past 50 years havent been able to find a good president

  • internet buddy

    You all are awful at generalizing a person. I hate humanity? Get the hell out of here.

    principle skinner meme

  • Feb 22
    1 reply

    Trumpster afraid of MBS

  • Feb 22
    1 reply

    Folks on here were gleefully hoping he would do it when the news broke too

    Do some self reflection and do better next time bud @twinkletoez

    still not sure how this doesn't get you banned

  • OnceAgain

    Trumpster afraid of MBS

  • Feb 22
    1 reply

    This is also trump’s strategy with these bogus EO that every liberal influencer keeps posting like courts havent struck em all down by now.

  • Snowboy

    still not sure how this doesn't get you banned

    Can literally say anything on here

    (Except if its bout Israel)

  • insertcoolnamehere

    This is also trump’s strategy with these bogus EO that every liberal influencer keeps posting like courts havent struck em all down by now.

    They’re still gutting agencies and firing en masse though.