He says while caping for Donald f***ing Trump
I honestly don't care about trump. I hate conspiracy theories. I hate people throwing around serious accusations without any base or source
Some of you dumbasses really saying sleepy Joe will be as bad as Trump? you mfs must not realize the government PAYS trump every time he goes to stay at one of his clubs. This is blatant corruption in front of our eyes. Or how many federal positions have remained unfilled in all branches of government. Or how many Obama Era environmental regulations have been rolled back.
Bernie wouldn't have did s*** tbh. Conservative media would've labeled him the antichrist. Fringe/extremist groups flip congress and then we have ourselves the Obama gridlock again
No they didnt have her up 14 points lmao
Lmao uh, yeah they did :dead;
Her RCP peaks had her beating Trump by 17 points in October 2015 (a year before the election) 12 points in April, and by 8 points in September. Joe’s RCP peak, also a year before the election, gave him an 11 point lead. His peak in 2020 is rn, with an 8 point lead on average.
Biden’s just scored his biggest lead, with 14 points, in a CNN poll.
This same month in 2016, HRC scored a 24 point lead in a CNN poll. She also had 17 point lead in Fox polls, 16 point lead in PPP.
It's gonna be more than 200k dead and we got the highest unemployment rate in 80 years... all made 100x worse cuz of a literal CHILD RAPIST who raped multiple children.
This man also RAPED HIS OWN WIFE while tearing her hair out as revenge cuz he blamed her for his painful hair transplant...
Anyone who thinks these two men are on the same level is uninformed or delusional, PERIOD. Stop getting your opinions from memes and headlines...
Highest unemployment rate currently, but it doesn’t seem like voters are really placing blame on Trump for that. He still has a positive approval rating on the economy. Most people understand that, as a result of shutting the country down, people are temporarily out of work. But as the country reopens the unempoyment rate is gonna fall pretty quickly. We will probably be back in pretty good shape by November.
Now if the second wave hits just in time for the election
Lmao uh, yeah they did :dead;
Her RCP peaks had her beating Trump by 17 points in October 2015 (a year before the election) 12 points in April, and by 8 points in September. Joe’s RCP peak, also a year before the election, gave him an 11 point lead. His peak in 2020 is rn, with an 8 point lead on average.
Biden’s just scored his biggest lead, with 14 points, in a CNN poll.
This same month in 2016, HRC scored a 24 point lead in a CNN poll. She also had 17 point lead in Fox polls, 16 point lead in PPP.
Just one poll means nothing
This is just a backwards way to look at things.
Let’s just give you the benefit of the doubt, and say that Biden has some”hidden racism” that he wants to enact, despite all of his policy positions indicating otherwise.
That still isn’t nearly as harmful as Trump’s overt racism and complete incompetence and lack of leadership skills.
Biden at least has the sense to put capable people in power around him. For example, Biden has been pretty weak on climate change, but he has Bernie and AOC leading his climate task force alongside him. Trump would probably put his daughter or an oil baron on the job.
lmao aoc is a f***ing nut job you say that like its a plus. Agree with everything else u said tho
I said this yesterday
It’s clear biden is up in a very meaningful way hilary never was
Lmao uh, yeah they did :dead;
Her RCP peaks had her beating Trump by 17 points in October 2015 (a year before the election) 12 points in April, and by 8 points in September. Joe’s RCP peak, also a year before the election, gave him an 11 point lead. His peak in 2020 is rn, with an 8 point lead on average.
Biden’s just scored his biggest lead, with 14 points, in a CNN poll.
This same month in 2016, HRC scored a 24 point lead in a CNN poll. She also had 17 point lead in Fox polls, 16 point lead in PPP.
They also didnt have a pandemic and nationwide riots back in 2016, people want a steady hand and trump does nothing but stoke the flames and pass the blame
lmao aoc is a f***ing nut job you say that like its a plus. Agree with everything else u said tho
she is the only person in congress vocal about getting money out of politics and is actually for the people, what do you have that makes her a 'fucking nut job'
right wing propaganda is cancer
Just one poll means nothing
That’s what I’m pointing out lol. RCP is the average of all the polls. Biden’s biggest RCP lead (polling average lead) gave him an 11 point lead, while at the same time in the 2016 cycle HRC’s average lead was around 17 points. At this point in the 2016 cycle, her average lead was 11 compared to Biden’s 8. OP pointed out a specific poll that had Biden leading by 14 points, where the same pollster at the same point in the 2016 cycle had HRC leading with 24 points.
I would lean Trump winning but I think it depends in a big way how the country looks in 5 months. If the election was today he might lose. If the media can keep this momentum up til November he might be f***ed. If things work themselves out in the next few months and the country is in a stable spot he’ll win.
They also didnt have a pandemic and nationwide riots back in 2016, people want a steady hand and trump does nothing but stoke the flames and pass the blame
Well 2016 did have riots throughout the summer in many different cities. I agree though that Trump seems to be actively trying to make it worse. I’m not saying I want him to win, but just talking numbers here.
The pandemic’s biggest negative effect on Trump is the economy, but it seems like voters are differentiating from a regular recession and one induced by a pandemic, because despite us posting record unemployment numbers, his approval on the economy is still positive. We’re reopening and jobs will flood back in quickly, so the economy will be back up and running come November (barring a second wave).
As for the riots, this is the kind of thing that riles up Trump’s base. His supporters see this and get excited to vote for him. But at the same time it should rile up democrats as well. HRC’s big flaw was that 10% of the people polled saying they would vote for her also said they probably won’t actually go to the polls and vote for her. Biden had a similar lack of enthusiasm earlier, but with everything going on that may have changed.
So, we’ll see, but polls painted the wrong picture before for a variety of reasons. Trump’s favorability ratings are significantly higher than they were before he was elected. A lot of people from the Republican Party and voted third party. Trump now has an approval among republicans above 90%. If he can get back those third party candidates he would be in good shape. And considering the third parties aren’t nominating anybody notable that seems likely.
All the things that Trump has bragged about/used to leverage to argue what "good" he's done as a President has gone to s--t in a matter of months.
Remember when he kept reminding people how much raise the employment rate amongst African Americans?
That’s what I’m pointing out lol. RCP is the average of all the polls. Biden’s biggest RCP lead (polling average lead) gave him an 11 point lead, while at the same time in the 2016 cycle HRC’s average lead was around 17 points. At this point in the 2016 cycle, her average lead was 11 compared to Biden’s 8. OP pointed out a specific poll that had Biden leading by 14 points, where the same pollster at the same point in the 2016 cycle had HRC leading with 24 points.
At this point in 2016, Clinton had a +3.8 in the RCP average?
Looking at June 2016, Clinton averaged anywhere from +1 to +7, so a little bit behind where Biden is now
she is the only person in congress vocal about getting money out of politics and is actually for the people, what do you have that makes her a 'fucking nut job'
right wing propaganda is cancer
lmao do you know what empty words and promises are? she has no brain go look up clips of her ex:
do you understand how stupid she sounds?
trump will go down as the worst president in history LMFAOOOOO
Aye b niggas caused a Civil War and owned slaves he trash but he don't even crack the top 10 unless you white
F*** Donald and f*** Joe someone start nuclear war so thos s*** can be done
At this point in 2016, Clinton had a +3.8 in the RCP average?
Looking at June 2016, Clinton averaged anywhere from +1 to +7, so a little bit behind where Biden is now
My internets being trash af so it won’t let me select specific dates and looked like April’s numbers were June’s
From what I’m seeing of it rn, Trump had a good month in June 2016, and actually briefly led by 1 point (one of only two times he led in the polls). Then she seemed to have a pretty substantial lead in August, comparable to Biden’s lead rn (which is also Biden’s biggest lead this year).
And I have now realized the 24 point lead HRC held was from June 2015, not 2016. But she did still have multiple double digit leads in polls in June 2016. She then proceeded to have double digit leads in specific polls throughout the election cycle all the way through October.
trump will go down as the worst president in history LMFAOOOOO
Objectively not true lol
lmao do you know what empty words and promises are? she has no brain go look up clips of her ex:
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ICHpSkpCHMdo you understand how stupid she sounds?
So stupid she unseated the second most powerful democrat in congress while you sit on your ass and b**** about her on a music forum....
Yeah mhm