Part 1 mach 25th 2024
Lets run it up if u can my account is weak af from two years ago but it is getting likes already
update PART 2 march 27th 2024
I shout and showed all of the ktt2 website
And i shouted out n showed specifically @Mitchell @sentient_sherm_bag @celinee @Q3D @Everest
And at the end i showed 2 lil snippets of my own music ive been working on we all EAT HERE
Tell ur friends and family plz if you have tiktok access or know others that do in calling all homies that i can find their at's and my recent notifs
@atthepyramids @Mac_Wit_Da_Cheese @Lifestyle @AvenueJones @KodakSpice @Youngbanscousin @TroyAveStan @Butters1017 @spongebob @Vox @purrple_rain @niggamortis @KayTeeTee @boredomcreaser @CutiePieHole @Bo_Ceephus @babylonshrem @celinee @bobby_96 @notbrock @Donttalktomeunless @Mitchell @ryuH @insertcoolnamehere @BBLDRIZZY @Aquilla @Bad_Finger_Boogie @vietbruh @thankmelater @QueenDeDeDe @Kenig @plants @knova @mdmadon @WhoIsHe @Brave @Cole2 @sniper @Chloe @sab @Banana_Clip @ellielliellie
And everyone else i cant find @'s for
Just a simple like will boost tf out of it send the link to ur discords send the link to ur socials to it if possible
Tell ur friends and family plz if you have tiktok access or know others that do in calling all homies that i can find their at's and my recent notifs
@atthepyramids @​Mac_Wit_Da_Cheese @​Lifestyle @AvenueJones @​KodakSpice @​Youngbanscousin @​TroyAveStan @Butters1017 @​spongebob @​Vox @​purrple_rain @​niggamortis @KayTeeTee @​boredomcreaser @CutiePieHole @Bo_Ceephus @​babylonshrem @celinee @​bobby_96 @​notbrock @Donttalktomeunless @​Mitchell @​ryuH @insertcoolnamehere @BBLDRIZZY @Aquilla @Bad_Finger_Boogie @​vietbruh @​thankmelater @​QueenDeDeDe @Kenig @​plants @​knova @​mdmadon @​WhoIsHe @Brave @Cole2 @​sniper @Chloe @​sab @Banana_Clip @ellielliellie
And everyone else i cant find @'s for
Just a simple like will boost tf out of it send the link to ur discords send the link to ur socials to it if possible
yo why are some of them greyed out
He's from Telegram...
type the write up bro i cant figure out the captcha on that site
theres a captcha?
the 1st vid is calling out the twitter users and saying they capping in general, i show ktt2 threads, and talk about how its from twitch in the 1st place so the people claiming ownership of it in general even outside of me is dead wrong i got it from twitch which its been there for years & its been on places like telegram
part 2 later is about me & this site
He's from Telegram...
yeah i mention that in the video along with twitch
yeah i mention that in the video along with twitch
And he has a name. It is Utya.
Utya served in the Vietnam War.
And he has a name. It is Utya.
Utya served in the Vietnam War.
Duck seen some s***, looks like he needs a smoke
op u gotta rewrite ktt2 into history
op u gotta rewrite ktt2 into history
The odds that ktt2 is in anyway responsible for it going viral is about .01%
found one of the original tweets that were lurking ktt2 @ ppl @'ing - for the part 2 vid
this was part of the first wave of spam and when it started leaking on twittwer from hiphop pages and people swiping us - exhibit a (in the thread)
You new niggas stop trying to play me im not one of your hoes s*** was never on twitter until me/us
op u gotta rewrite ktt2 into history
kym is historically and empirically known for making up bullshit tho lol
ok i think i got enough "evidence" - that i could find anyways - shout out our terrible search engine its hard af to find s*** on google when its not from the current year
but anyways part 2 either later today or tomorrow
who wants free self promo in the vid(s) send me threads or post in here im showing ktt2 threads and if it makes sense im self inserting us as well lemme know & @ me with it
for part 2
not promo of a funny thread i mean promo if you like a rapper or a producer or graphic designer etc. lmao post the thing or @ me the thread
its gonna be in part 2, or in a possible part 3 where im thinking it'll be basically where i reiterate everything as an excuse