that mumble rap term was racist migos never mumbled
I’m 50/50 on that cause most of the time people saying that were referencing early 90/2000s rappers that were more skilled than whoever the mumble rapper they were referencing. If you’re racist you aren’t gonna defend any kinds of rap.
But it mumble rap does exist and it isn’t racist to say some niggas is trash and don’t belong anywhere near music bro don’t do that. What if a black nigga says it? Then it’s gonna be a million different excuses why he’s wrong for not liking it smh.
Racist old white people that hated rap existed way before the 2010s, of course old white people gonna say whatever gets trendy but truth is there are a lot of rappers that are mumbling not saying s*** and them niggas is garbage in any era and black people would say it too.
Migos aren’t part of that group obviously.
super classic
the migos comeback era in the mainstream is one of my fav moments in hip hop it was beautiful to witness
i get high on my own sir
heard you gon clone sir
stop all that flexin
youn't really wanna go there
never been a gopher but i always been a soldier
Young niggas in the cut posted like some vultures
Diving off the stage in the crowd there's a moshpit
yeah shawty bad
But she broke & she dont own s***
mama asked me son when the trapping gon quit
I been riding round in the city in my new b****