Hilarious how everybody is so scared to open their mouths around Putin that even Putin is calling them out
only aspect that i can speak about is that he was right about polish-soviet relations and polish-nazi collaboration within the sudeten crisis
How do you know he was right about that? I’m not tryna doubt but would be good to have some verification on it
How do you know he was right about that? I’m not tryna doubt but would be good to have some verification on it
reading on the history of the area for polish-soviet relations and polish-nazi collaboration mainly from 1939 by Micheal Carley. great history book that covers the diplomacy between countries before the outbreak of ww2 (mainly soviet,polish,german,french, british, and the czechs)
Hilarious how everybody is so scared to open their mouths around Putin that even Putin is calling them out
Yeah cause people dying left and right around him
That people afraid to speak around the dictator not that weird