Saying all this further discredits anything OP was saying in regards to Tupac and 6ix9ine comparisons, which is the main point we were on. Tupac and 6ix9ine were nothing alike.
Tupac was actually about something. 6ix9ine is just a troll who got in way too deep in s*** he had zero business being apart of to begin with.
there are some parallels but i wouldn't say tupac was just being a gangster for the sake of it, thug life was a legit movement to unite gangs and turn them into some sort of paramilitary for the people. tupac was a revolutionary who faced so much backlash from the government harassing him that it broke him mentally. 69 just was a dude with no dad of which there are millions. tupac had an excuse 69 doesnt really
OP is right
!’s such a f***ing legend. You’re never forgotten, Pac
Every Takeshi stan is either a pedo, a racist, or a f***ing idiot no in between
ur literally caping for the FBI the feds led to 2pac going paranoid which led to him wilding out and doing street s*** he shouldnt have
No I'm not nigga, you just giving the feds too much credit for his death. bro was moving wrong with death row gang affiliation which led to the Vegas incident. The feds have nothing to do with the Vegas situation. that was all the streets. I see ur trying to say that the feds landed him in prison which led to him getting with death row which then in turn led to the Vegas incident. Like nigga I know the 2pac story ur trying to lecture the wrong one. I still don't agree with ur claim
The psychology of black ppl are complexed so of course don’t undertand
Feds def had a hand in amping that East West s***. They wanted to bury these rappers one way or another.
Pac being a full time revolutionary larping as a rapper didn’t help things either.
@ARCADE_GOON Him being on death row with its street affiliation is what led to him
doing street s***. Bro was trying to fit in with them
Its not the fed paranoia making him go and jump the crip who then went around and got revenge. It was him wanting to keep it a g among the street niggas he was around. bro was moving wrong.
he spent his childhood running from the FBI with his mom as another user here said
at 16 he became head of the New African Panthers
he got into a war with NOI because they infiltrated the NAP and his family blamed NOI for killing malcolm
got called out by vice president dan quayle for 2pacolaypse despite being an underground rapper simply because the feds knew who he was because of his last name
for f***s sake trump still wants assata shakur killed in 2020
2pac shot two cops in self defense who attacked him for no reason
republicans forced time warner to drop him from his contract
haitian jack and jimmy henchman were both fbi informants who extorted him on behest of the fbi
haitian jack the fbi agent introduced him to the same woman who later pulled the false rape accusation on him
they had to release him early because it turned out they didnt have enough evidence and it was just done to f*** with 2pac mentally
2pac refuses to remain silent about jimmy henchman and haitian jack, announces them as FBI informers, and publicly humiliates any other rappers being extorted by them, or associated with them (Biggie, Puffy, etc).
you're mentally retärded if you don't think the fbi s*** led to him being paranoid, even if the final blow was him just getting into a petty argument in vegas. the thing that put him into that vulnerable position was a decade of psychological warfare
you don't know s***
crying. what youtube account did you get this from
You’re a evil person but no one escapes the vitriol they spew, it will eventually comeback to you
you’re only willing to attacks a innocent persons character because your identity is anonymous
Deactivate your account after this post. It’s over.
Pac being a full time revolutionary larping as a rapper didn’t help things either.
negro was a f***ing problem
Nigga saying the CIA the reason tupac banged blood and jumped crips
Holy s*** this website is complete and utter trash the bullshit you niggas make up is unreal
@ARCADE_GOON Him being on death row with its street affiliation is what led to him
doing street s***. Bro was trying to fit in with them
Its not the fed paranoia making him go and jump the crip who then went around and got revenge. It was him wanting to keep it a g among the street niggas he was around. bro was moving wrong.
he wouldn't have been on death row if the feds didnt pressure time warner to drop him in the first place. all i'm saying is 2pac had outside pressure, 69 is doing things because he felt like it. if you ever had a cop f*** with you you know how horrible it feels, imagine being in that state of mind for 10 years, it will f*** with your mental unless ur mentally strong which 2pac unfortunately wasnt. we just disagree on this i guess
crying. what youtube account did you get this from
I cant believe bro actually typed all that out, nonetheless in response to me one of the few actual pac fans on this site
Nigga saying the CIA the reason tupac banged blood and jumped crips
Holy s*** this website is complete and utter trash the bullshit you niggas make up is unreal
@Durkio_World i got u on ignore but i can see your quotes. ur a herb drake stan go back to listening to hotline bling this convo aint for you
tbh you could see pac’s career trajectory going the way of acting and less and less rapping
@Durkio_World i got u on ignore but i can see your quotes. ur a herb drake stan go back to listening to hotline bling this convo aint for you
Nigga saying the CIA the reason tupac banged blood and jumped crips
Holy s*** this website is complete and utter trash the bullshit you niggas make up is unreal
tbh you could see pac’s career trajectory going the way of acting and less and less rapping
That's actually his plan
Man got anime wallpaper and 30 conspiratorial threads on kanyetothe. Nigga's avy is spongebob with lean. You got some nerve calling anyone a herb.
tbh you could see pac’s career trajectory going the way of acting and less and less rapping
cap, bro was just starting makaveli records
Nigga saying the CIA the reason tupac banged blood and jumped crips
Holy s*** this website is complete and utter trash the bullshit you niggas make up is unreal
feds are the reason he got dropped from his label and got into jail. he was a changed man after jail. anybody who denies this has some sort of weird complex bootlicking the feds
The deranged stupidity about american government from niggas who struggled in high school is astounding. If the feds really targeted tupac he wouldn't have been able to ever get signed and they woulda found his ass quickly. Stop this s***
The deranged stupidity about american government from niggas who struggled in high school is astounding. If the feds really targeted tupac he wouldn't have been able to ever get signed and they woulda found his ass quickly. Stop this s***
same niggas who think the govt killed nipsey cuz of a f***ing documentary lmao