It’s so crazy to me bc I made a Ye production playlist last week just for the nostalgia
Really brought me back to the days when he was real active, witnessing it in real time was amazing
!!!! used to get home from school and watch MTV/BET in hopes of hearing these tracks, Ye was that nigga bruh
Then he would make appearances and do performances that had me going crazy as a young nigga. Like the Grammys performance with Jamie and the marching band. When him and Cudi premiered Welcome to Heartbreak and Day n Nite videos. The drip was unmatched back then too
I saw this episode the day it premiered 💯
! too
wheneber kanye brings the bongos out
slow jamz overnight celebrity etc
love this song mann
Ye is the is one of the greatest to ever do it. imagine how much he achieved from 2004-2010 alone. Hip hop would not be where it is today without him.
My dawg
I listen to instrumental all the time
Classic Ye s***
The fall off has been crazy
It’s self inflicted though soooo
Should always take care of your mentals well being.
S*** is insane that he's deadass the greatest to ever do it but it's determined to ruin his own legacy.
Bro could have been as big as Michael if his mental health didn’t get f***ed up. He had everything that you need to be the perfect artist. He’ll always be the GOAT but the antics definitely outshined his contributions publicly
@proper @Water_Giver
! s*** i didnt know Kanye did this, good looks
Angel beat is so good
Games first half of his discog has some of the best beats in Rap history
I feel like Ye could flip the switch anytime too from what he’s been on lately and is capable of going even more avant garde than Yeezus
Like Just So You Remember off It’s Almost Dry is craaaaaaazy
That Push track doesn’t get talked about enough
Got that dark and cinematic feel
Love Pharrell contributions to that album but Ye beats got a certain vibe man, Push sounds great on his production