These threads are getting ridiculous now you know the title is some clickbait bullshit
I’d usually come to his defense but this piece of s*** stays scamming his fans. Cancel him.
These threads are getting ridiculous now you know the title is some clickbait bullshit
Dead ass, I can just make a burner account and pretend to be offended about some random s***, and BOOM 7 pages
wait the chick in OP is joking I think but the tweet that is quoted and all the mfs in those mentions seem deadass
Dead ass, I can just make a burner account and pretend to be offended about some random s***, and BOOM 7 pages
Nah I mean the fact that there’s even 5 or 6 ppl legitimately saying he’s problematic in the replies is just depressih
Dead ass, I can just make a burner account and pretend to be offended about some random s***, and BOOM 7 pages
Matter fact not long ago a nigga made a burner accnt on twitter telling a rape fanfic about a big artist and it got a 30+ pages thread here
Then niggas said I didnt believe women when I said Hold UP