Hnvm, Her Loss and Fatd are not playlists
they basically are lol, especially FATD
no cohesion or identity on those projects compared to his earlier work
"Most of his albums"
HNVM and HL are exceptions. FATD is a playlist type album just like Views, More Life, Scorpion and CLB
i’d even argue HNVM and HL are playlist type projects
there’s literally no flow to any of it lol, Her Loss’ production sounds like a bunch of type beats and doesn’t even feel like they were specially plucked to create an atmosphere
Whole Lotta Red managed to have more of a unique identity and atmosphere as an album and that s*** was like 8+ tracks too long
@soapmanwun gif got me crying man
they basically are lol, especially FATD
no cohesion or identity on those projects compared to his earlier work
Maybe if you didnt listen
Damn nobody likes this song lol videos of Kendrick's other hits I've seen the crowd is good
But this the same demo that boo'd Drake off stage
Eminem fans kids have ruined the live music scene for bigger artists
you don't get 'nothing was the same' without Good Kid maad city and the control verse
eh that’s not true lol but instead we got a dumb cold war between stans
That’s every festival ever young ppl too concerned about looking cool than letting loose, sad
Same crowd was at Camp Flog Gnaw for Drake. No one is going crazy unless it's Frank Ocean tbh
Nope fatd is very concise if you listened more than once
Yes, a 90 minute album is very concise
Yes, a 90 minute album is very concise
yeah something can be long and still have a consistent sound without trying to fit in 5 genres like he did on views and more life