Wait this is f***ing wild, is the guy rly dead?
i caught the stream for a minute before closing it and he was laid out on the sidewalk and didn't move at all... wouldn't be surprised. Old people are especially fragile
its a overused joke but this is literally ty doing side quests as he waits for ye
Professor Kanye is currently performing an investigation regarding this research. Check back soon
why tf is ty$ aligning with this mf
Man I was high af and fading from being awake and asleep this entire stream and I can’t believe this happened
Vitaly and Ty caught a 73 old pedo and made fun of him on camera. While they were waiting for the police to arrive Ty decided to leave. After he was gone some random dude came up and knocked the pedo out cold. he was bleeding but it appears he is alive
his face before he takes off the hat
i caught the stream for a minute before closing it and he was laid out on the sidewalk and didn't move at all... wouldn't be surprised. Old people are especially fragile
i hope he not
He's alive
now only got jail to survive