  • Free YoungBoy

    Nah even on TC and NWTS he had Hush writing for him. #thehandofthe6god

    I've heard of that too but idk how much of it I believe , but also

  • Nov 7, 2024

    You think Vanilla ice one of the best of his generation? Since we can’t argue his numbers…

    Ohh, yes? . He was doing great things and then he started flopping creatively, thats why he started floppin in numbers too.

  • Nov 7, 2024
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    And their opinion means dog s***

    Lmfao word. I’ll make sure dudes like Andre 3000 know their opinions on hiphop are dogshit cause they don’t care about the current rap beef

  • Nov 7, 2024

    Lmao imagine talking to someone who doesn’t know anything about the beef and just discovered a new exceptional rapper

    “Yea dude, but you can’t like him cause in this beef that just happened recently, he apologized. You gotta understand, he hyped it up for years and then didn’t participate cause he didn’t want to ruin his friendships.”

    They gone look at you like

    Ya’ll gotta let that s*** go and can we just get back to being honest listeners of music. Imagine saying that bullshit to a b****

    I can’t let it go. He had no problem going at Kanye, Diggy Simmons, and Lil Pump. 3 niggas who aren’t barred up like that and two of them were literal children when Cole beefed with them

    That whole s*** is part of the story of Cole’s career and many of his raps have to be reexamined under that context

  • Nov 7, 2024
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    Why would I discuss hip hop with someone who doesnt know about the big 3 beef?

    I mean uuuuuh 😩💦💦
    I hope them sentiments erotic
    Uuuuh 😩💦💦💦

  • Nov 7, 2024
    1 reply

    Lmfao word. I’ll make sure dudes like Andre 3000 know their opinions on hiphop are dogshit cause they don’t care about the current rap beef

    You didn’t say they don’t care you said they don’t know

    Andre literally knows about the beef because hes talked about it in an interview, how is that the same as what someone who doesn’t know about it

  • Nov 7, 2024
    1 reply
    mr get dough

    Music debate is about personal taste for one, so its always gonna be subjective and you know that

    Please explain to me how it makes sense to debate something objective? Like make it make sense, theres nothing to debate about something thats objective

    Exactly, LMAO. There is nothing to discuss about Drake being the greatest, backed by numbers.

    Yall are the ones keep the discussion going because yall too stubborn to accept it.

  • Nov 7, 2024
    1 reply

    I mean uuuuuh 😩💦💦
    I hope them sentiments erotic
    Uuuuh 😩💦💦💦

    You always tryna joke man life aint no joke

  • Nov 7, 2024

    Imagine talking to a dude who’s been making hiphop longer than you been alive but isn’t on the internet and they don’t know about the beef

    “Bro, your opinions on hiphop are dogsgit. F*** outta here”
    I’m out

  • Nov 7, 2024
    2 replies
    mr get dough

    You always tryna joke man life aint no joke

    In a Fantano thread

    Y'all kill me

  • Nov 7, 2024
    2 replies

    Exactly, LMAO. There is nothing to discuss about Drake being the greatest, backed by numbers.

    Yall are the ones keep the discussion going because yall too stubborn to accept it.

    Drake is the biggest but people are discussing who they think is the dopest

    Are you seriously not able to comprehend that this is a subjective debate about quality of music not who sells the most?

  • Nov 7, 2024
    2 replies
    mr get dough

    You didn’t say they don’t care you said they don’t know

    Andre literally knows about the beef because hes talked about it in an interview, how is that the same as what someone who doesn’t know about it

    In a world where anything can pass you without you knowing it happened, I can’t hold it against people to not know this. Especially if they busy as hell but LOVE hiphop. You only looking at life from one perspective lol

  • Valentine

    In a world where anything can pass you without you knowing it happened, I can’t hold it against people to not know this. Especially if they busy as hell but LOVE hiphop. You only looking at life from one perspective lol

    Fair point

  • Nov 7, 2024

    In a world where anything can pass you without you knowing it happened, I can’t hold it against people to not know this. Especially if they busy as hell but LOVE hiphop. You only looking at life from one perspective lol

    Okay but you just said Andre 3000 and he literally does know about the beef so your example does not make sense with what you said and your attempt to put words in my mouth failed

    You said someone who just discovered J Cole, no knowledge person about rap just discovered J Cole Andre has known of J Cole for years so I really dont appreciate you changing the goal post and putting words in my mouth like I’m talking about Andre 3000

  • Nov 7, 2024
    1 reply

    Been seeing Tyler big 3 convos for like a year now. If we're still making these lists I guess he's pretty much stamped his placement this year

  • Nov 7, 2024

    Tyler can’t out rap any of the big 3 to be in the convo

  • Nov 7, 2024
    2 replies
    mr get dough

    Drake is the biggest but people are discussing who they think is the dopest

    Are you seriously not able to comprehend that this is a subjective debate about quality of music not who sells the most?

    Listen dumb ass. You said it. There is nothing to discuss. Drake the greatest.

    The thing is that haters wont accept that, ofc they are going to deny everything about the numbers and hype some imaginary internet points, what else do they have? .

    You can have all the awards, all the sales, all the recognition from your peers who really know the industry and yet, you will always have a group of nerds who wont accept your Greatness because it hurts them.


    Been seeing Tyler big 3 convos for like a year now. If we're still making these lists I guess he's pretty much stamped his placement this year

    What big 3 lol
    S*** is dust

  • Nov 7, 2024
    1 reply

    In a Fantano thread

    Y'all kill me

    this fantano s*** gets real serious. stand behind it or get ready to die

  • darklex150

    Listen dumb ass. You said it. There is nothing to discuss. Drake the greatest.

    The thing is that haters wont accept that, ofc they are going to deny everything about the numbers and hype some imaginary internet points, what else do they have? .

    You can have all the awards, all the sales, all the recognition from your peers who really know the industry and yet, you will always have a group of nerds who wont accept your Greatness because it hurts them.

  • Nov 7, 2024
    1 reply

    Listen dumb ass. You said it. There is nothing to discuss. Drake the greatest.

    The thing is that haters wont accept that, ofc they are going to deny everything about the numbers and hype some imaginary internet points, what else do they have? .

    You can have all the awards, all the sales, all the recognition from your peers who really know the industry and yet, you will always have a group of nerds who wont accept your Greatness because it hurts them.

    Listen you d*** gobbling illiterate b**** ass nigga

    Drake is the best seller!! Thats objective, and thats not the debate that people are having

    They are mutually agreeing to SUBJECTIVELY DEBATE who makes the best music. Thats an entirely different discussion from who is objectively the biggest

    This is my last time replying to you

  • Br00ses 🐣
    Nov 7, 2024
    2 replies

    Why the heck are you talking about drake

    He wouldn't be replacing drake anyway....

  • Br00ses 🐣
    Nov 7, 2024

    Thread has not a single thing to do with drake

    This place is sick

  • Nov 7, 2024
    1 reply

    this fantano s*** gets real serious. stand behind it or get ready to die

    Gotta pick a side now I guess. What are they even yapping on about lmao

  • Br00ses

    Why the heck are you talking about drake

    He wouldn't be replacing drake anyway....

    ofc he wouldn't be replacing drake

    he would be replacing that short midget k-flop
