  • Aug 6, 2021
    5 replies

    Need to get banned again for the stupidity of this post. Idk what you think you understood from what Tyler was saying but it wasn’t this dumb nigga.

    How is DaBaby important? How is this whole made up controversy important? How is it more important than billionaires getting richer while poor people are getting poorer? How is it more important than the fact that Biden bombed Somalia a few days ago? Is it more important than the fact that immigrant kids are still locked up in cages?

    Nobody should give a f***. DaBaby shouldn’t be relevant.

  • Aug 6, 2021

    How is DaBaby important? How is this whole made up controversy important? How is it more important than billionaires getting richer while poor people are getting poorer? How is it more important than the fact that Biden bombed Somalia a few days ago? Is it more important than the fact that immigrant kids are still locked up in cages?

    Nobody should give a f***. DaBaby shouldn’t be relevant.

  • Aug 6, 2021


  • Aug 6, 2021

    Nigga needs to work on himself and his deep rooted insecurities before speaking on others imo

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    This nigga Tyler roasting the hell out of niggas that got the mindset of troyavestan

    This interview is glorious

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Aug 6, 2021

    Quite a dishonest way to frame his argument. He’s saying performative politics are pretty much useless and hypocritical. He’s saying that people should focus on themselves instead of pretending to care about some s***ty made up controversy which gives them a false sense of importance.

    I wanted to respond to the original post but didn’t know how to because I agree with the point he’s getting at but didn’t feel like the context was fitting. This post sums up my thoughts pretty well

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    People care more about what an idiot said during a live show than about economy, politics and the fact that pretty much every single aspect of our lives is getting worse. And you’re all okay with that. Like this s*** became normalized.

  • Aug 6, 2021
    2 replies

    How is DaBaby important? How is this whole made up controversy important? How is it more important than billionaires getting richer while poor people are getting poorer? How is it more important than the fact that Biden bombed Somalia a few days ago? Is it more important than the fact that immigrant kids are still locked up in cages?

    Nobody should give a f***. DaBaby shouldn’t be relevant.

    Why are you so stupid?

    You can do more than one thing at a time. Do you think we should just ignore someone being blatantly racist as well just because the government sucks? If Taylor Swift got on stage today and say the n word should everyone just ignore it and say it’s irrelevant because kids are in cages and cops haven’t been defunded yet? You don’t think that leads to further discrimination by simply normalizing it acting like it doesn’t matter?

    Is this the mentality you want to carry? Do you think you’re making a point with this stupid ass post?

    All discrimination should be called out simple. I refuse to believe anyone with a brain can’t understand this.

  • Aug 6, 2021
    2 replies
    The Pause Police

    i got banned for basically saying the same thing. im sorry that da baby hurt yall feelings. but there is literally way more important s*** that we need to look at and da baby saying homophobic s*** is so irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. how bout yall cancel the government for arresting mexican children and putting them in cages like animals. or fighting for real police reform so they dont keep killing blacks for existing. im sorry but da baby not liking gay niggas is irrelevant.

    Do you do any of the things you just described? Cuz it seems most of yall only suddenly become passionate about those issues when a topic like this comes up lol

  • Aug 6, 2021

    Tyler DELETES relationships with girls over 19

  • Aug 6, 2021

    Mama they talkin about DaBaby again!

  • Aug 6, 2021

    Do you do any of the things you just described? Cuz it seems most of yall only suddenly become passionate about those issues when a topic like this comes up lol

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    I don’t know if you’re joking or not but I really hate how people just casually throw around a severe accusation like this

    I’m literally asking a question

  • findjordy

    Tbh. All these festival going on a marathon removing DaBaby straight up performative as f***. He steps out of line and says a thing or two they don’t agree with and he’s public enemy number one but they still booking artists that promote and rap about d*** abuse/gang violence but it’s OK cause it’s only music !

    Straight 🧢

    You weren’t complaining about gangs and gun violence before the DaBaby s*** lol you’re the performative one here

  • Selfish isn’t the right word but I agree with what he means

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply
    The Pause Police

    i got banned for basically saying the same thing. im sorry that da baby hurt yall feelings. but there is literally way more important s*** that we need to look at and da baby saying homophobic s*** is so irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. how bout yall cancel the government for arresting mexican children and putting them in cages like animals. or fighting for real police reform so they dont keep killing blacks for existing. im sorry but da baby not liking gay niggas is irrelevant.

    So much to respond to and unpack here.

    2. For starters, you can care about multiple things at once. Meaning all because you’re vocal about one thing doesn’t mean you don’t care about or support movements for others.

    2. The context in which Tyler is speaking does not correlate to DaBaby’s situation and this isn’t people bringing up old s*** to “cancel” him. It literally just happened. It’s current behavior.

    3. It does matter in the grand scheme of things. The same homophobic rhetoric that people like DaBaby and Boosie spread gets people severely hurt and killed. These mindsets justify people to act heinous towards a group of people who deserve to live like the rest of us.

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Aug 6, 2021

    I’m literally asking a question

    To my knowledge I have never once seen anyone refer to Tyler as a pedo or having Pedo behavior.

  • Aug 6, 2021

    Do you do any of the things you just described? Cuz it seems most of yall only suddenly become passionate about those issues when a topic like this comes up lol

    thats the same s*** white people do when a black person gets killed they say "but what about black on black crime?"

    niggas dont care until they on the defensive

  • Aug 6, 2021

    Nigga Tyler watching akademiks

  • Aug 6, 2021
    1 reply

    How is DaBaby important? How is this whole made up controversy important? How is it more important than billionaires getting richer while poor people are getting poorer? How is it more important than the fact that Biden bombed Somalia a few days ago? Is it more important than the fact that immigrant kids are still locked up in cages?

    Nobody should give a f***. DaBaby shouldn’t be relevant.

    You realize we can deal with multiple issues at the same time right? Why should we just ignore homophobia because it’s coming from a rapper?

    The comments dababy made give legitimacy to homophobes especially with the platform he’s on and can potentially lead to more homophobia and the subsequent attacks on gay people.

  • Aug 6, 2021
    6 replies

    Why are you so stupid?

    You can do more than one thing at a time. Do you think we should just ignore someone being blatantly racist as well just because the government sucks? If Taylor Swift got on stage today and say the n word should everyone just ignore it and say it’s irrelevant because kids are in cages and cops haven’t been defunded yet? You don’t think that leads to further discrimination by simply normalizing it acting like it doesn’t matter?

    Is this the mentality you want to carry? Do you think you’re making a point with this stupid ass post?

    All discrimination should be called out simple. I refuse to believe anyone with a brain can’t understand this.

    Priorities, you f***ing buffoon. PRIORITIES.

    The fact that a celebrity is a racist or homophobic shouldn’t be given that much attention. It shouldn’t be important. Oh that singer said some hateful s***? F*** him, now let’s talk about the growing debt of the incoming mortgage crisis manufactured by BlackRock because that is going to change our lives. Our material conditions are way more important than some spectacular controversy.

    Everyone was talking about DaBaby for the past few weeks. Do you think these people are aware of what’s going on in the world? Do you think the f***ing virtue signaling comments on Twitter and Instagram made a difference? It’s theatrical. It’s a s*** show. It gives you a false sense of importance while real s*** is happening before our eyes.

    You’re trying to tell me that people can be aware of different problems, like “yeah I mad about DaBaby but I’m also mad about whatever s*** is going on in the world” but that’s wrong. People only care about manufactured spectacular controversies. They care about what’s trending. And DaBaby was trending because of that.

  • Aug 6, 2021

    Nigga said Kevin Abstract name so awkward lololol

  • maingirl 🍉
    Aug 6, 2021

    He not even wrong but with this title you’d think he’s on some edgy muh cancel culture s***

  • Aug 6, 2021

    Naw this conversation they having right now is crazy

    Niggas saying all the s*** I be saying

  • Aug 6, 2021

    only cause the internet is here more than ever it's more out in the open but this kind of stuff has been going on FOREVER.

    the hatemail that some of the 2000s/90s pop stars used to get was suuuuper crazy fam. Motherfuckers were getting real deal death threats and niggas actually trying to do it (shoutout to that nigga Ricardo Lopez )

    Comparing that kind of s*** to a bunch of complaints on twitter accounts with less than 20k followers?

    I'd take that in a heartbeat lol. I think it's another case of artists focusing on the few and between (in the grand scheme of things, KTT tends to overreport on this) negative "cancel" accounts than the way overarching positive fan comments that these artists be getting.

    Republicans/conservatives were leading the way in cancel culture until social media gave minorities a platform to voice their opinions on certain topics as well and leveled the playing field - now it's an issue

    Right wing media who used to champion rappers getting dragged infront of the Supreme Court for their lyrics , Janet Jackson being blackballed for showing a titty or artists/actors being blackballed from the industry for allegedly being communists are now upset about "cancel culture"

    I mean they tried to cancel beyonce for a superbowl performance in 2016 - "anti cancel culture" advocates just don't agree with the reason "sjws" "cancel" celebs, that's all - those reasons are usually rooted in behavior they tolerate or want normalized (racism, sexism, homophobia etc)

    It's very much so a "stfu we don't care about you thoughts or grievances"
