He’s not wrong. Rap is a cooked genre
why would tyler of all people say this. acting like people didn't perceive odd future as "meme music".
if u make music ur a musician! if u make music that many other people like to listen to, u deserve some respect for it! does not matter if ur deathly serious or if ur joking around the whole time.
just another instance of tyler being pretentious and exposing his lack of appreciation for hip-hop
It’ll sound like shade but a good amount of rappers self admittedly don’t view themselves as musicians first.
I wouldn’t say it’s exclusive to “rappers today” tho. Pretty much the same ratio, the same discussion over every genre etc for every generation.
Like if you look at consistent rappers, most of them are going to be musical lol. And other s*** comes and goes. Idk why people focus on the s*** that comes and goes like it’s the defining factor. By nature it’s not.
There’s a kernel of objective truth in there about how artists are marketed to us, and how the vocal part of rap media/social media will mostly play along and act fake-surprised when it turns out that, say, a Bossman DLow strictly puts out songs that sound 99% similar to Get In With Me. Nothing wrong with that – just like a meme, if you like the format once then it’s probably gonna still hit for you when it pops up again
The idea that they’re taking up potential space that Tyler could be using is laughable though
It's the same in all the genres. Low barrier to entry so we got a lot of talentless hacks in the game and they all get exposed once they have to perform live
It's not necessarily a bad thing as it just means more music for us but I hate the fact that a lot of those trash artists are getting more love than the artists with actual talents
you’re delusional if you don’t see any truth in what he’s saying. as usual with tyler’s takes
Vultures 2
Pop music is this way to a certain extent too
A lot of pop music now is rehashing old songs/making “vibey” music for TikTok bait
It should be noted that Tyler himself has made his fair share of "meme records" throughout the years.
Tyler thinks because he knows what a chord progression is and tossed a group of violinists in a room he can start looking down on the genre that made him. He has a history of this weird elitist mentality - by far the most obnoxious musician.
you’re delusional if you don’t see any truth in what he’s saying. as usual with tyler’s takes
i was about to quote your dumb ass post but decided against starting some s*** lmfao guess i spoke too soon
why would tyler of all people say this. acting like people didn't perceive odd future as "meme music".
if u make music ur a musician! if u make music that many other people like to listen to, u deserve some respect for it! does not matter if ur deathly serious or if ur joking around the whole time.
just another instance of tyler being pretentious and exposing his lack of appreciation for hip-hop
of and especially tyler himself proved themselves through the music though, which these niggas today are not doing. irrelevant and misleading comparison.
“if u make music ure a musician!!!” okay most of these people aren’t even “making” the music credited to their name let alone writing their raps. define “making” music to begin with and maybe you’d have a point. do you consider milli vanilli musicians too? do you even know what the definition of the word musician is? call me pretentious for pointing out the mf dictionary definition of a third grade level word too, idgaf.
“exposing his lack of appreciation for hip hop” lmfao you and every dummy who liked this post clearly don’t know anything about this dude. hop off my d*** and quote me again b****