
  • Anyone know which brand this is?

  • Oh we’re back to 2012 aren’t we

  • Probably old Ralph Lauren

  • can't ID, but it's very nice

  • I remember I wanted the “Christmas” cardigan ye always wore in like 05ish-07 mines ended up looking better anyway

  • Aug 12
    1 reply

    Anyone know which brand this is?

    think it's vintage from this brand Helena's

    can't find the exact one, but this has the same pocket detail and hawaii script writing

  • Aug 12
    1 reply

    think it's vintage from this brand Helena's

    can't find the exact one, but this has the same pocket detail and hawaii script writing

    crazy af howd you find

  • halleys comet

    crazy af howd you find

    just a lot of searching of vintage hawaiin shirts lol