There was no artistic vision with these album cover changes, just a strategic move to generate hype
Tyler doesn’t need to create hype by changing his album covers lmao
He can just tweet weirdo
Tyler doesn’t need to create hype by changing his album covers lmao
He can just tweet weirdo
Nah its not that he isnt a popular artists but he hasnt dropped since 2019 and this is a clever way to get people talking. A tweet would normally sufice but This move makes perfect sense coming from the person who coined the term "mysterious music". Perfect way to get people talking without engaging fans directly and letting their imaginations on what these cover changes mean do the work
the CB cover is probably the worst one he could find for that project
I wish he posted b****** (period) just to go from the red cover to the blue one. prolly says something that he specifically only updated wolf and and CB, and those two have been used often around this forum to reference his new single
??? are we not allowed to talk about this or something?
Tf you talking about
Tf you talking about
that looks crazy without context lmao
i had posted about the fact that the album cover was switched back to the OG on streaming and got some replies about it and then a couple hours later all of the posts were gone just deleted