I mean I don’t really mind a more in your face method for matters taking place in your own neighborhood that deeply affect the lives of you and those around you
This whole Israel/palestine s*** and debating it to no end and protesting about it is inherently privileged and unnecessary. Most people do not have the luxury of worrying about that because they have other s*** to worry about. They shouldn’t be blasting people in the face with it when they’re just tryna go to class and s***.
So why should those non-privileged people have to pay for America’s involvement in foreign affairs? When has any American ever benefitted from America’s involvement in foreign affairs?
far from just columbia either.
That University of Texas one is truly one of the most embarrassing things I've ever seen. Clown behaviour, clown institution.
Protest in a public park or something. Big open area, won’t get in the way or disrupt the lives of people tryna get by. Still get your point across.
It's so funny to me how people like this think protests are supposed to be this pacified, casual activity. As if any of the civil rights and protections we enjoy today were won by not getting "in the way or disrupting the lives of people tryna get by". You mfs have no grasp of what is required to enact massive systemic change. And then you wonder why the government and private industry consistently dogwalk your rights, earning power, and freedoms.
Not illegal to say N word or go on racist tirades by the way
You know it's bad when Cenk and Glenn Greenwald agree on something
lol man been arguing they should protest in a way that in no way disrupts a society paying for wiping out their entire bloodlines
s*** it would be insane to say to any other group throughout history
You know it's bad when Cenk and Glenn Greenwald agree on something
truly lol and sometimes I truly get Glenn
Protest in a public park or something. Big open area, won’t get in the way or disrupt the lives of people tryna get by. Still get your point across.
no I dont think we will
no I dont think we will
get brutally beaten for your right to exist but not in front of me its bumming my vibe
So why should those non-privileged people have to pay for America’s involvement in foreign affairs? When has any American ever benefitted from America’s involvement in foreign affairs?
they are gonna say it’s because of the resources we get like oil, consumables and materials but we all know it’s just a cop out to keep forever wars going on to invest in war more than anything else like infrastructure
Protest in a public park or something. Big open area, won’t get in the way or disrupt the lives of people tryna get by. Still get your point across.
textbook liberalism right here
textbook liberalism right here
I don’t even think they’re smart enough to be a lib just the typical apathetic we can’t do anything about it attitude
Protest in a public park or something. Big open area, won’t get in the way or disrupt the lives of people tryna get by. Still get your point across.
Bruh what the point is to disrupt s***
Bruh what the point is to disrupt s***
college campuses are where these protest should be happening lmao