Sad how banning pit bulls, being against baby murder, and being Christian is frowned upon in todays society
You got people supporting this not realising people could have one of their family taken away and killed even though they never did anything wrong. It's monstrous. I can honestly say I'll punch any one square in the face who supports this murder.
I'll come to Liverpool, send the addy
You are a f***ing weirdo and a p**** ass b**** for posting that meme about pit bulls. hope one rips your throat out
How? Don't they eat dogs over there?
"how am i racist?" says something racist
No opinion on this personnaly but the dogs being called XL Bullies isnt exactly helping their case
Nobody is selectively breeding humans for their violent capabilities, that whole argument is ridiculous
Death Row of dogs. Truly nasty work
I take back some of my posts but I still don't think the ban accomplishes much and there are much deeper problems that need to be addressed
I hope that people at least see these headlines a and take much more precautions with (and actually train) their dogs even if it's not an XL as irresponsible owners are the true problem and it could be your breed next if you don't....