I didn't even know perma-banning was a thing around here, with the exception of if you did something really egregious.... Do we know what they did? I've always figured nearly everything resulted in a 3-day mute
I didn't even know perma-banning was a thing around here, with the exception of if you did something really egregious.... Do we know what they did? I've always figured nearly everything resulted in a 3-day mute
Mods got perm ban happy around the time Kanye started wilding out
I think it was there way of separating this site from Kanye
Mods got perm ban happy around the time Kanye started wilding out
I think it was there way of separating this site from Kanye
Just for the mods to let blatant racism slide because they not black
Just for the mods to let blatant racism slide because they not black
Historically speaking ktt mods don’t know how to handle anti blackness, they barely notice it in general
Historically speaking ktt mods don’t know how to handle anti blackness, they barely notice it in general
Yeah, I seen them myself participating in anti black rhetoric and passionately defending offenders
It's lowkey disgusting and that's why I limit my engagement on this site, but it's cool to be around certain sections I've been at since KTT1 but it's not really the same here
just unban @Sinewave
Keep all those in op
He's a big tobacco user now...
@Kurco is too busy stealing posts from here to post to his twitter
He should make that his Twitter avi
Free @KanyesBills
Unban @BaroudeurFlipFlop they did nothing wrong
It be poppin over there like it do over here tho?
Not sure. Last time I was just browsing there in their dropshipping thread
Unban @BaroudeurFlipFlop they did nothing wrong
@flipflops_ too