Been bumping this all day
did anyone listen to the new willie the kid album that dropped?
It's on the tube
you want it ?
Nah I listened to it already, good looks though. I'm still trying to figure out why this man ain't respond to my email
Nah I listened to it already, good looks though. I'm still trying to figure out why this man ain't respond to my email
what happened ? did yu buy it ? or?
what happened ? did yu buy it ? or?
I'm not putting my credit card information on a website that is not secure
I'm not putting my credit card information on a website that is not secure
i bought it off paypal funny enough when i bought it track 6 the one with ransom did not work properly on the zip file download so i had to msg v don personally an he sent me the track that was very nice of him to do so
i feel like Che Noir has a classic album in her in the near future
the new project she just dropped is probably my favorite of hers yet
1000WORD$ (if you’ve seen Polaroids of artists discussed ITT on social media, used as album art, etc. he probably took them) has a Substack now. Stove God, ???, Starker and YL have all been interviewed so far, and if you pay to subscribe you can listen to them as audio and get some exclusive tracks.
1000WORD$ (if you’ve seen Polaroids of artists discussed ITT on social media, used as album art, etc. he probably took them) has a Substack now. Stove God, ???, Starker and YL have all been interviewed so far, and if you pay to subscribe you can listen to them as audio and get some exclusive tracks.
This art is amazing. Renaissance underground rap is thriving
This art is amazing. Renaissance underground rap is thriving
This was actually drawn for 1000WORD$ by a different guy named Chop. Here’s that guy’s IG:
He‘s done artwork for DøøF, Jah-Monte, he did that new phiik & Lungs album.
1000WORD$ (if you’ve seen Polaroids of artists discussed ITT on social media, used as album art, etc. he probably took them) has a Substack now. Stove God, ???, Starker and YL have all been interviewed so far, and if you pay to subscribe you can listen to them as audio and get some exclusive tracks.
S***, can we get a screenprint of this with a subscription??