smh they really had nothing better to do than to screw you two over. hope things go well op
This is the second time they said I owed money now. First time took 2 and a half months to solve.... and then they held my money hostage for an extra month. Now they are saying to pay it all back f*** em! It’s like they have nothing better to do then to go after me multiple times
Part of me just wants to pay this $ to shut them up once and for all but I can’t let them win when we deserved this money
Don't let em break ya
Don't let em break ya
I feel like an old man.... so
Much stress over this
Damn, I had the same issue when I tried to claim unemployment for work as well. In my state you don't qualify for unemployment if your employer is a university that you attend which doesn't make any sense because an employer is an employer. Anyone could apply for work at my job too it's not limited to students only.
My state rep came back to me and said
“ They have mentioned you’re no longer eligible for PUA, but may qualify for regular benefits. Are you currently trying to apply for regular unemployment benefits?”
i don’t qualify for regular benefits cause I started a job in July. I’m not trying to apply for normal unemployment. I looked at my normal unemployment account and it said “not eligible” cause I didn’t make enough money to qualify
I got a notice in November 1st that I qualify for normal (prob cause I have a job now) and I called the PUA office and they said it must be a bug f*** them....
Time to fight some more
State rep messaged my girl too asking for more proof her place of employment closed . Just provided all that information to them.
They also said they will expedite our hearing if we have to go to court... hope it doesn’t go there
Ngl I been fascinated at how niggas got it in this year
The SBA grants were a blessing over the summer
Wasn’t you the one bragging about owning a PS5 and the new xbox series x? I hope you didn’t use the unemployment money to buy em might wanna resell them
Wasn’t you the one bragging about owning a PS5 and the new xbox series x? I hope you didn’t use the unemployment money to buy em might wanna resell them
Lmao tf
Global pandemic wipes out employment for millions across the country and niggas like you are worried about what people are spending that unemployment money on
If they have a surplus after paying necessities, they should be allowed to buy what they want, afterall: that's the same they'd do with their paycheck, right?
This sketches me out because I was on it for like a month or two back in may/june, i kinda had a feeling s*** like this was gonna happen
Wasn’t you the one bragging about owning a PS5 and the new xbox series x? I hope you didn’t use the unemployment money to buy em might wanna resell them
Nah that’s my own money.
I ain’t spend a penny of this money yet. It’s all in my savings
Just I’m not gonna pay it back cause that s*** is rightfully mine
Meanwhile niggas who actually scam getting off Scott free
Not so fast
Had a few buddies who claimed they were self employed (they weren't) and they got the money, now EDD wants them to upload their 2019 1040's for proof....they don't have any
So the money will have to be paid back.
Imagine those people who blew the money and aren't even working...
Meanwhile niggas who actually scam getting off Scott free
they really not.
It's gonna be quiet when tax comes around next year my g.
Not so fast
Had a few buddies who claimed they were self employed (they weren't) and they got the money, now EDD wants them to upload their 2019 1040's for proof....they don't have any
So the money will have to be paid back.
Imagine those people who blew the money and aren't even working...
Australia did this with an automated system telling people to pay fake debts because the system averaged income