Helmut Lang Uniqlo pants but why cop when retail’s 100
yo wtf
Helmut Lang Uniqlo pants but why cop when retail’s 100
Wait What?
when they announce this lol
Helmut Lang Uniqlo pants but why cop when retail’s 100
Damn not worth it. If helmut was still part of his brand then i would but nah 🥲
Helmut Lang Uniqlo pants but why cop when retail’s 100
lmfaoooo this is terrible.
they need to drop Uniqlo 2
As a someones who's short and has a stocky built, I wish their was a uniqlo near me, since clothes fits weird for me and I usually have to try stuff on b4 I buy.
As a someones who's short and has a stocky built, I wish their was a uniqlo near me, since clothes fits weird for me and I usually have to try stuff on b4 I buy.
Same, i only wear uniqlo bc it fits like a charm
What's this?
uniqlo u utility jacket
sold out instantly in uk drop
I know, they’re long and super boxy.
pause but if u cop 2XL cropped clothing in the women sxn
u get that Uniqlo U fit ur looking for
uniqlo u utility jacket
sold out instantly in uk drop
there was a few in store when i went the other day
s*** no stores near me
They will usually pop back up on the site, give it a few weeks