  • Sep 20, 2023

    Automotive industry needs to be dismantled and public transportation and inner city transit should be the priority

    The us is already crippled

    Ain’t happening

  • AR15 💯
    Sep 20, 2023
    1 reply

    Automotive industry needs to be dismantled and public transportation and inner city transit should be the priority

    Yea right i dont wanna sit next to homeless or poor people

  • Sep 20, 2023

    Can’t see this passing/being approved in the US, hope I’m wrong though

  • Auto workers of ktt2 unite !
    @MiniVan & @car but NOT you @bikemike

  • Sep 20, 2023
    1 reply

    I love the chaos of the world right now

  • Sep 20, 2023

    Smart strategy. Respect to UAW

    Labor tactics innovating and refusing to fold no matter how overwhelming the system is

  • nonviolence

    This is actually a pretty big deal

    “United Auto Workers members walked off the job at three major automotive plants belonging to Ford, General Motors and Stellantis overnight, thrusting the automotive industry into uncertainty as workers demand higher wages and better working conditions.

    The strategy of striking against all three automakers but at select plants — with the possibility of expanding the strike if necessary — is new for the union

    “The UAW has been advocating for up to a 40% pay increase, while the automakers are offering approximately half of that. Additionally, the union is pushing for a four-day workweek and a return of pensions for hourly employees, proposals that have yet to gain traction with the companies.

    Ford CEO Jim Farley defended the automakers' position, stating it is simply not possible.“

    Is it time for other industries and more workers to demand the same?


    are the people finally rising?


    This could easily cross over into the music industry & you have to wonder how much people haven’t gotten paid to compensate kings & queens in the castle?

    Look no further than the tour & stage crews. Start with all music billionaires even the one in my avi. Investigate them all

  • Sep 20, 2023
    1 reply

    Automotive industry needs to be dismantled and public transportation and inner city transit should be the priority

    nah man, i want to buy a whip

  • Sep 20, 2023

    it's promising but the folks in charge of the union are doing their best to fizzle it out

  • Sep 20, 2023

    nah man, i want to buy a whip

    Invest in a therapist first brother

  • Sep 20, 2023

    I wish there was a 8th day of the week for me to come into the office that is the type of guy i am


  • Sep 20, 2023

    we should have had a 4 day work week decades ago

  • Sep 20, 2023

    i dont see it happening in America unfortunately

  • Sep 27, 2023
    1 reply

    This isn't making waves like the Hollywood strikes on social media

  • Sep 27, 2023

    This isn't making waves like the Hollywood strikes on social media

    You're surprised by that? One is Hollywood the other is a concentrated sector of workers that most people probably would never give a f*** about. I've actually seen people clowning on them idk why (I have a lot of Michigan people on social media)

  • Sep 27, 2023
    1 reply

    What’s their rationale for the 4 day work week though?

  • Sep 27, 2023
    1 reply

    What’s their rationale for the 4 day work week though?

    What's the rationale for 5 day work weeks?

  • Sep 27, 2023
    2 replies
    k dog 99

    What's the rationale for 5 day work weeks?

    Tradition. That’s a radical, big d*** energy request for an American company compared to just asking for a pay raise

  • Sep 27, 2023

    Tradition. That’s a radical, big d*** energy request for an American company compared to just asking for a pay raise

    Could have said the same thing about unions demanding an 8hr work day in the late 1800s

  • Sep 27, 2023

    Truckers have no reason to strike tho

    Being a trucker is literal torture bro

  • Sep 27, 2023
    k dog 99

    What about everyone who doesn't live in a city?

    Rural towns don’t have to rely on cars for their interior infrastructure when foot and bike sized villages exist

    Obviously cars have to be used somewhere but not as universally as now

  • Sep 27, 2023

    Need this to be the standard so bad. 5 days is just too much imo

    Strikes and Labor Movements are the reason we have a five week workday lets do it again

  • Sep 27, 2023

    Tradition. That’s a radical, big d*** energy request for an American company compared to just asking for a pay raise


    the five day work week hasn’t even existed for a hundred years bro

  • Sep 27, 2023

  • Sep 27, 2023
    1 reply
    k dog 99

    Won't someone think of the economy (AKA billionaires)

    Only billionaires have investments guys

    Exposing yourself as broke