Why is @op such a b****. Keeps me up at night fr fr
What @op do to you?
Copied from reddit
The case seems so strange, because a lot of important details are missing, especially in english news stories. Part of it is because some details are lost in translation from the original german stories and that the main "source" is purposefully omitting details.
If you look at all the stories from 2014 you can get a reasonably clear picture about what happend, but again, most of the information is found between the lines and therefore hard to bring across without an exhaustive translation. I just want to make a quick summary about what the most likely scenario is, and where the confusion and all the red herrings come from.
If you apply occams razor, all the fact point towards Lars Mittank suffering some sort of acute psychosis (possibly d*** induced). This is not only my conclusion, but the conclusion of a private investigator, hired by his family, as well as the journalists who followed the PIs investigations.
I am drawing this conclusion from two main sources. The original and "offical" publication in the TV Program "Aktenzeichen XY" and a sort of follow up by "Spiegel TV", both from 2014 both can be found on youtube.
The TV Show "Aktenzeichen XY" is pretty hard to translate. It is a decades old real-crime show that runs live and nationwide on a public broadcaster. It features eye witness acounts as well as pretty s***ty reanactments of the events. Most importantly however it is the quasi offical vehicle for public investigations by the police. On the one hand this means that every information is approved by the police. On the other hand this means that the version of events presented, is not the one, that is most likely, but the one that promises the most rewards for the investigation. Facts that would hinder the investigation can be omitted, lies that could further the investigation could be added.
The second source "Spiegel TV" is a pretty standard investigative journalism format. It covers alot of the same stuff as the first source but noteably adds the d***/psychosis angle, that is completly left out of the "offical" story.
So here are (from memory) some facts, that are missing from a lot of english language stories:
- The friends who accompanied Lars on the Bulgaria trip, describe his behavior as very strange and untypical throughout the whole trip. He for example skipped most of the meals.
- Another example, his friends put forward, is Lars' (!!!) story of the fight with the FCB Fans. Lars' used this story to explain why he went missing the night before and where he got the injury from. All his friends explicitly state, that they didn't belive him a single bit.
- Every witness describes his behavior as strange, agitated, confused or even paranoid. This includes both doctors he visited, his own mother and a taxi driver that took him to the airport.
- A lot of stereotypical characterisations of Bulgaria are simply false. Bulgaria is a member of the EU and as safe as any other EU state. Its blacksea coast is basically the equivalent of a spring break party destination. Like in any other such place there is lots of crime, but none of the sort that would explain the disappearence of a tourist
I'm sorry for the linguistical f***ups and that I don't took the time to lay all this out in more detail. I hope this at least clears up some of the common misconceptions about this strange case.
Interesting read. Last I heard of this was that he had an ear infection that transformed into like a brain issue that caused him to have weird episodes.
How'd she get inside that tank tho
She tilted the lid and fell in and the lid shut.
A lazy employee just saw it on the floor and put it back on top.
She might not look strong but I’m sure she was on adrenaline and if she was in a different state of mind
Interesting read. Last I heard of this was that he had an ear infection that transformed into like a brain issue that caused him to have weird episodes.
Definitely seems like some type of brain failure, more interesting how it happened but no way to find out
one unresolved mystery that f***s with me is why artists make songs that go so f***ing hard but they never release them
Kanye West - I Feel Like That
Travis Scott - Left Cheek Right Cheek
Young Thug - Ashin The Blunt
Bruh those throwaways from IANAHBII that were better than anything on the album
I guess Kanye’s rumored planned suicide and the connection to Never See Me Again and the song’s sample could be considered a mystery
that girl in the hotel that was talking to someone with the elevator and then was later found dead in the water tank
Probably Epstein for me. What did he know and who killed him for it. I think he could’ve burned it all to the ground
Does it f*** w your head though? Niggas sensed he was gonna blow the whistle and murked him. Seems self explanatory
Why is everyone saying Dyatlov Pass
Theres been so many plausible theories that make sense than aLiENs!
Bull s***, what is a plausible explanation for shattered organs and bones INTERNALLY with NO EXTERNAL injuries to a number of folks who died that night?
What type of technology is capable of destroying you from the inside out, leaving your exterior completely untouched?
Aliens motherfucker