ctrl + enter to post on web. @_S_
@mitskiiac can you make it so alt+p substitutes clicking post like on ktt1?
If you give me a reason to give you money so you can further monetize, I'm all for it. Anything from gif avy's, different color names, and of course, ad-free.
thank u !!!
i love that if i click the music sxn, everything is together now, hiphop, indie, pop... it's awesome, and pls don't separate them like on the old site
would be fire if we could 'favorite' a thread, and it would have a red border or a little heart emoji next to the title on the left, or something to make it distinct. because with all the threads and the auto-refresh sometimes i gotta look for a bit til i spot the thread im looking for.
I normally identify users by their profile pictures and not user name (lol, I know), so I would like the pfp to be a little bigger than today. Maybe not as big as they were on KTT1 though.. but slightly bigger than KTT2 as of now.
Edit: Never mind. I just realised "Classic mode" fixed what I wanted to have :)
-Could you lower the number of posts per page in a thread to say 20?
-And could you also add a discord style message search where you could search your inbox such as so:
“From: @x keywords on: 2/12/19”
-And when you view your notifications maybe when you click on the users profile pic it directs you to their profile and if you click on the text in the notif then it directs you to the post as usual
@mitskiiac do you guys need any web devs
Great work, great site. A few feature requests (haven’t read through this whole thread so sorry if they’ve been brought up)
Can we do away with or increase the image limit per post (I think it’s 15)? In the sports section we like to put a bunch of team smilies in OP
and centering text would be nice
@mitskiiac on mobile: if you type a post, you can’t cancel it unless you delete everything you’ve typed already
At least for me. On Safari on iOS13.
@mitskiiac on mobile: if you type a post, you can’t cancel it unless you delete everything you’ve typed already
At least for me. On Safari on iOS13.
yep fix otw
@mitskiiac im not sure if you thought of this yet but maybe there could be a window in the homepage showing “Your Bookmarked Threads”
Like somewhere in your profile or right under Recent Activity/New Threads. That way it can be easier to navigate through threads.
Formatting can be refined. The mobile version even on classic view makes post feel so big
To me just remove the seperation between post and scale the post smaller like before. The modern look is great though
yep fix otw
Can we have stickies again, also can each artist sxn have their own background again?
Maybe on the main page have the the last posted comments not auto refresh constantly because when a thread is HOT it's moving rapidly and isn't easy to click.
@mitskiiac will you implement to show how many posts a user has like in ktt1?
When you say name change does that mean it'll just be KTTdotcom
Or are you going to erase Kanyetothe and take that domain?
I sort of like the adjacent step to just being called KTT
Although I do understand the SEO boost the app would get for having Kanye in the name
Info about new and upcoming updates/features in this thread.
Q2 ‘22: we back on track.
Just joined this awesome forum today and I can't wait to see this site progress! Thank you to all the people spending their time and resources on developing new features and functionalities!
I miss ktt1's user information on the post. I feel like it gave a lot of spirit to the site and helped make it feel like more of a community. When we have little circle avis and just a username like this then we kinda lose the personability. Feels like any other forum whereas ktt1 felt more unique