Hmm, seems to be within the first line of text. Looks like the second line of emotes on this quote stay regular size.
the ones are the second line are just image embeds
its there on desktop
I see it again, wasn't there for a couple minutes after I noticed it for some reason
adding my name to the post count request – was the best feature of KTT1
I miss ktt1's user information on the post. I feel like it gave a lot of spirit to the site and helped make it feel like more of a community. When we have little circle avis and just a username like this then we kinda lose the personability. Feels like any other forum whereas ktt1 felt more unique
Tbh we need at least the status/location
Also we need the feature where you can edit the post youre quoting b4 posting
Also we need the feature where you can edit the post youre quoting b4 posting
Will genre tags/sections fall under the ‘user created sections’
what do you mean exactly?
what do you mean exactly?
Just music genre tags/sections like you had on lowkey If I recall correctly, to filter threads by genre
Just music genre tags/sections like you had on lowkey If I recall correctly, to filter threads by genre
we have channels which are similar
we have channels which are similar
I am so stupid I missed this! Thank you it’s exactly what I was looking for
is it possible to add a function where we could see how many pages a thread has by scrolling over it before we click on it? like the old ktt
Site is crazy thus far
Ability to click thru our threads/posts/followers on our profile and see all our cumulative notifications from past however many days would be fye
Too many ppl followed I can’t follow people back although idek if it has a real function this time lol
I’m not sure if this has been requested already or is on the way, but being able to go to the last read post would be real nice. There are some threads that I read all of but fall behind a lot in and want to pick up where I left off
Would personal pinned threads be possible? Like to pin threads you visit the most to ur home page?