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  • Jan 9, 2020

    I cannot jump 10 or 15 pages in one click for example.

    okay i'll see if there's something i can come up with

  • Jan 9, 2020
    1 reply

    still just making minor updates each day since i got an ongoing health situation, will work on messaging this weekend

  • Jan 9, 2020

    it now shows on someones profile if they follow you

  • Jan 10, 2020

    bro no shade but why would you remove relationship threads from L&A? first off creating RA subsection on KTT1 killed the activity on L&A, and second you moved the threads to some subsection that doesn’t even show up on the front page, it’s gonna be dead af.

  • Jan 10, 2020
    1 reply

    still just making minor updates each day since i got an ongoing health situation, will work on messaging this weekend

    take care of yourself first king, health is wealth

  • Jan 10, 2020

    take care of yourself first king, health is wealth

  • Jan 11, 2020

    I could just be blind but there doesnt appear to be a search bar on mobile

  • Jan 11, 2020
    1 reply

    How can we “unblock” people?

  • Jan 11, 2020

    How can we “unblock” people?

    go to their profile ktt2.com/@username

  • Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply

    spent all day looking into this issue ktt2.com/clicking-on-stuff-unresponsive-2-26466

    it should finally be fixed now

  • Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply

    spent all day looking into this issue https://ktt2.com/clicking-on-stuff-unresponsive-2-26466

    it should finally be fixed now

    This isnt on the homepage but at least when i went into the life sxn the following buttons arents cut off by the edge so you can zoom out the entire page

    -on mobile

  • Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply
    goonicide bomber

    This isnt on the homepage but at least when i went into the life sxn the following buttons arents cut off by the edge so you can zoom out the entire page

    -on mobile

    got a screenshot?

  • Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply

    got a screenshot?


  • Jan 12, 2020
    3 replies
    goonicide bomber


    how do you get it to do this? i can’t do it on my phone

  • team

    how do you get it to do this? i can’t do it on my phone

    I just zoomed out i saw it was scrolling a bit to the side and i was like hmm and just zoomed out to see what was going on and saw it was the following list carousel

  • Jan 14, 2020
    2 replies

    When will deleting accounts be worked on?

  • Jan 14, 2020
    1 reply

    how do you get it to do this? i can’t do it on my phone

    bro can u extend an olive branch to David Stern on KTT1?

    He's been a thought leader in sports section for ages and requires a diplomatic outreach to make the migration. KTT isn't KTT without his input tbh. A show of humility here would do wonders for the community

  • Jan 14, 2020
    1 reply

    bro can u extend an olive branch to David Stern on KTT1?

    He's been a thought leader in sports section for ages and requires a diplomatic outreach to make the migration. KTT isn't KTT without his input tbh. A show of humility here would do wonders for the community

    could you elaborate?

  • Jan 14, 2020
    1 reply

    could you elaborate?

    kanyetothe.com/forum/index.php?topic=8260955.11088 he's posting here. he has a list of demands

  • Jan 14, 2020
    1 reply

    https://www.kanyetothe.com/forum/index.php?topic=8260955.11088 he's posting here. he has a list of demands

    i’m not sure how serious this is

    he wants a mod position?

    there’s no point in faking the post count. post counts aren’t even public here so he can just lie about it if he really wants.

    and really we can’t just make people mods because they demand it.

    what is being offered in return?

    my counter offer is none of the above. but he can have text saying “i had ____ posts on kanye to the dot com” below his name on his profile if he wants

  • Jan 14, 2020

    i’m not sure how serious this is

    he wants a mod position?

    there’s no point in faking the post count. post counts aren’t even public here so he can just lie about it if he really wants.

    and really we can’t just make people mods because they demand it.

    what is being offered in return?

    my counter offer is none of the above. but he can have text saying “i had ____ posts on kanye to the dot com” below his name on his profile if he wants

    i'll relay the message bro

  • Jan 14, 2020

    how do you get it to do this? i can’t do it on my phone

    can we ever get an option for site wide signatures ?

  • Jan 14, 2020

    When will deleting accounts be worked on?

  • Jan 14, 2020
    2 replies

    When will deleting accounts be worked on?

    it's not v straightforward because we have to deal with threads, like if someone started a 10k page thread and deletes their account we can't just delete that entire thread

    if you want all of your posts except OPs deleted then we can do that sooner

  • Jan 14, 2020
    1 reply

    not sure i follow, could you elaborate?