This is probably not the right place to talk about this because u guys don't even know me that much except for some of you but I just want to vent for a bit
A family member with whom I'm very close with tried to take their life last night, this is the first thing I've heard when I woke up today, thank god they didn't succeed but this had me thinking a lot that's all
❤️ keep your head up. Be there for them but don’t overwhelm them, you know? Wishing them the best 🙏🏾
❤️ keep your head up. Be there for them but don’t overwhelm them, you know? Wishing them the best 🙏🏾
Thanks man I really appreciate all the people in here who say nice things it's really helping me
One day people will be mentioning me without me having to tell them
@BobRoss I am sorry I thought you were Danny
That is just a happy accident, do not sweat it
@BobRoss I am sorry I thought you were Danny
Apologize to me, f***ing a******!
Apologize to me, f***ing a******!
No f*** you man f*** you so much you are Bob ross I f***ing know it
No f*** you man f*** you so much you are Bob ross I f***ing know it
How can this guy and I post at the same time in different threads? Are you stupid, man?
How can this guy and I post at the same time in different threads? Are you stupid, man?
Smartphones exist
you don’t think it’s at all weird that you’ve randomly quoted me in two different threads since yesterday, and i don’t even know who you are??? it’s getting a bit obsessive
Smartphones exist
This why you suck at Among Us and we haven't invited you since November