Whos the crypto guy who's a total a******? yeah that guy f***ing sucks too
i really dont like brr b like all jokes aside
They can all drink my piss
nasty ass
i really dont like brr b like all jokes aside
Once I found out he was white it was a wrap
what if I dont want to hash it out and seeing this thread just makes me want to destroy them even more?
your problem not mine
talk to em
damn u really calling people out in Life Sxn on KTT2 in 2021 looking at a simulated screen with fake personalities
its jokes bro most of these accounts are banned anyways #RIPBOZO
Once I found out he was white it was a wrap
final nail in the coffin
literally all of them
I don't get why they all meme n circle jerk n just rude to others asking help
its like dam, every rich person is an a****** I guess
what if I dont want to hash it out and seeing this thread just makes me want to destroy them even more?
Yup u just summed up how I feel about u 😳