Legendary thread.
My curse is I’m actually always on the 3rd page of every legendary thread ever made, even from KTT1.
Funny enough, my post was a reply to you
Why do you keep saying this I don't even talk to you lol
Damn I thought this thread was about posting users who rub you the wrong way not users who you talk to
just did
What do you say we shake hands and make amends
This conflict is stressing me out
Damn I thought this thread was about posting users who rub you the wrong way not users who you talk to
I never tried interacting with you it's always you coming at me for no reason talking about my age even though you don't know me, just stop being weird it's not that hard
I never tried interacting with you it's always you coming at me for no reason talking about my age even though you don't know me, just stop being weird it's not that hard
Look at what has become of us
@op seeding hatred in our hearts
But then again... we just resolved our conflict
Maybe that was @op ‘s plan all along
Just know im not 16
Just know im not 16
The first time I said it it was a joke
But you kept getting mad so I kept doing it
I’ll stop
Look at what has become of us
@op seeding hatred in our hearts
But then again... we just resolved our conflict
Maybe that was @op ‘s plan all along