idk man but the rapping on hyaena , modern jam , lost forever just gives me owl pharaoh / dbr feeling
the sounds from astroworld and birds is here. those smooth , dark sounds like I know and meltdown. and this album has the most grand production from him since rodeo. it makes me so happy
I think I may be licking his weewee a bit but idk ive been a fan since dbr and its so nice to hear that first verse go hyaena and just stank face and goosebumps ueueeueuueue im very happy this album exists
man i flat out disagree with you but i respect your opinion and i wish i liked the project as much as you @op
F*** no 💯
But glad u love it, I think it’s good too
Just behind Rodeo and Astroworld
I remember a lotta niggas saying if utopia sucks that a dialogue will have to be had, but it’s good and now they’re nowhere to be found! Cmon peeps! Let’s have the discussion!
idk man but the rapping on hyaena , modern jam , lost forever just gives me owl pharaoh / dbr feeling
the sounds from astroworld and birds is here. those smooth , dark sounds like I know and meltdown. and this album has the most grand production from him since rodeo. it makes me so happy
I think I may be licking his weewee a bit but idk ive been a fan since dbr and its so nice to hear that first verse go hyaena and just stank face and goosebumps ueueeueuueue im very happy this album exists
Good post oward, I agree
Whole album hits, perfect mix of everything “Travis.”
Rapping is best of his career by far, so many unique sounds, so many vibes, everything. Just a wonderful project
man i flat out disagree with you but i respect your opinion and i wish i liked the project as much as you @op
rodeo better
F*** no 💯
But glad u love it, I think it’s good too
Just behind Rodeo and Astroworld
what makes you put astro above utopia so far
what makes you put astro above utopia so far
At the moment, I listen to astroworld and it feels like it knows what it wants to be. Direction is clear, structure of songs evolve and stay exciting without doing too much (STARGAZING, SICKO MODE vs. SKITZO, Lost Forever)
I can’t really pinpoint everything. UTOPIA also has that doodoo fest at the end of the album with the leftover Metro song that has the plastic drums and 21 Savage, the leftover Ye song with no direction, the butchering of LOST FOREVER, and SKITZO. I’ll leave K-POP out of it because that is a very polarizing song so no point. UTOPIA has a bad stretch, whereas you can argue Astroworld may have a few lamer songs but the overall quality level doesn’t go beneath a certain threshold
I remember a lotta niggas saying if utopia sucks that a dialogue will have to be had, but it’s good and now they’re nowhere to be found! Cmon peeps! Let’s have the discussion!
its good but its not great, better than mid but nowhere near classic or his best, nothing more to say
Top 3 trav
its good but its not great, better than mid but nowhere near classic or his best, nothing more to say
Don’t give a rats ass 👍
woah you bad bad boy