He said that in 2019. MONTHS before EA even dropped
Just say you peaked in 2016 b
He knew
LuV vs the world 2 is 10/10
And EA a solid 8. He went crazy this year and we don’t appreciate it enough
Should know by now how idiotically out of touch & pretentiously lame majority of the user base on this site is
i tried to relisten to EA as well as give LUV vs TW2 a shot an it still aint clickin with me, guess i just prefer Uzi features instead
Ea way better than lir2 only depressed little kids disagree
They both good as f*** & support two different moods
EA was the same flows over and over again.
He hasn’t fell off he’s fine but please don’t ever make another EA again
EA wasn’t even bad it just didn’t deserve THAT much acclaim. I mean jfc
EA/VTW2 aoty