This virus s*** has shown me so many people that are selfish af and think they’re more important then everyone else
cut her some slack she is clearly high af and has gone through a recent break up -
unfortunately is also not the most brightest.
Not to bring down the thread but to the people saying to just deal with it and get immune don't understand the biggest problem is the hospitals, they can't just take in unlimited people.
I don't think y'all realize how wild this post is bruh
lol what a cracker. Bruh needs to catch that Rona and have a coughing fit at his family reunion.
She’s right, let people get it so our bodies can build up an immunity to it, some will die but that’s just the name of the game, we’re all gonna die anyways
What's wrong with you
I dont know why but this makes her even hotter. F*** im so h**** rn.
feel this
This is pretty much what the dutch government told us 2 days ago
She saw we still f***ed with her after the moaning became a meme, got a little too comfortable and started talking like Thanos
still a beautiful woman tho so I really don’t care
if you think about, diseases are just another form of life. and should be respected as such🤔
diseases can hold these nuts
When people a lot smarter and with much more knowledge are advising you to do something then shut the f*** up and do it
Everyone online gotta have an opinion and voice it to make themselves look important
David Duke got a whole as PHD, and is still a racist redneck I wouldn't listen to. F*** this "big daddy" ass train of thought. Smart people arent infallible, and mob rule isn't absolute
Humans are the real virus. I thought The Matrix taught us that already.
Computer viruses were the virus in the Matrix..
David Duke got a whole as PHD, and is still a racist redneck I wouldn't listen to. F*** this "big daddy" ass train of thought. Smart people arent infallible, and mob rule isn't absolute
I think he means the CDC, instead of random person on street giving advice
"yeah, people are going to die, but it's inevitable"
On second look this is the hardest s*** I've heard from a celeb in years