  • Dec 12, 2019

    I wish I never hit this f***ing dumb s***. Ruined my life honestly. Call me corny whatever but y'all need to hear this. I never wanted to smoke any nicotine before I hit a vape in my high school bathroom at 16. Idk why I tried it, my mother told me to never smoke and I always listened to her. But this kid showed me his vape and I thought it looked cool so I went t the bathroom with him and he let me hit it. I remember when I said it was really good he looked me dead in the eyes and said, "Welcome to the club". That day after school I went out and f***ing bought one. Ripped it all night, let all my friends hit it and my twin brother. It was fun seeing smoke come out, I always enjoyed smoking weed but never wanted to be high all the time so it was cool I could just puff smoke out and feel nothing from it. Ripped it before I went to bed that night for Horus just chilling listening to music. When I woke up, THE FIRST THING I DID WAS PUFF ON IT. From there it continued to get worse and worse. I got my hands on the juul, which actually gave me the buzz, and I was instantly addicted. I would go out drinking with my buddies and we'd kill a pod or two in a night. I would lose them every couple weeks, and would walk right into the store the next day because I "needed it". I hit my vape after every single thing I did. If I ate, worked out, slept, was studying, watching tv, anything, I was hitting my f***ing disposable vape.

    I birthed myself an addiction for no reason. I spent thousands of dollars on it in high school alone. I quit only for a month, and thats only because I was high 24/7 so I wouldn't think about it. I couldn't go an hour without it, before every class, during every class, after every class, repeat. The worst part is that I need it right after I eat or my stomach hurts.
    I literally blow all of my money on it, whenever Im low on funds I find coins or some way to get it. my parents have tried to get me to quit multiple times, I tried niccorette, the patch and dip. But nothing compares to the strength of that f***ing vape.

    I feel the worst about getting all of friends and family on it. my friends never even though of it before me, and now they are exactly like me. My triplet brother and sister got addicted because of me to. its f***d up my health mentally and physically. My brother had to be hospitalized because he was spitting up blood and pounds of mucus from it.

    I am not the same without it. I feels like I'm dying if I don't have it. I don't feel real If I don't have it. I don't walk, talk, or act the same if I don't have it. When I brush my teeth most of the time my gums bleed, and my tongue is a really gross color.

    sorry this is really OD. But I've been very upset about it for awhile. Ive tried to stop but I just can't. It ruined me. The s*** in the news is really true. This s*** is dangerous. It f***ed me up for good.

    I am now 20 and still on it. They are stronger now and worse for my lungs, but my brain literally doesn't care it f***ing needs it. If I ever went to rehab, I know id walk right out and buy one. Listen I've done cocaine and lean and an array of other so called "addictive d****" and let me tell you, they have no match to this. it also sucks how I enjoy cigarettes now. If you just got on this s***, quit while you can.

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    You need to forgive yourself and go to therapy. Also focus on bettering yourself and pick up a hobby or two to keep yourself busy.

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    You need to forgive yourself and go to therapy. Also focus on bettering yourself and pick up a hobby or two to keep yourself busy.

    I went to therapy man, didn't help. I went for some other mental issues but I brought this up, and they just told me to quit

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    Take a week (it will f***ing suck) and just lock yourself up

  • Dont they teach kids not to do d**** anymore smh

  • Dec 12, 2019

    Take a week (it will f***ing suck) and just lock yourself up

    I did that, which was terrible lol. Once week two hit I was pretty much fine. I smoked a lot of weed and barely thought about it. But for some reason, I waked right back into the smoekshop one day and got another. This s***s indescribable for me. I have an addictive personality but damn this is just awful

  • Dec 12, 2019

    I went to therapy man, didn't help. I went for some other mental issues but I brought this up, and they just told me to quit

    Sorry therapy didn't work out for you. Try to focus on bettering yourself physically, spiritually, mental health usually, at least based on what I experienced, gets better like a packaged deal.

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    I know addiction isn't easy. But I don't know any other way but to encourage. On the bright side, acknowledgement isn't far from change.

  • Dec 12, 2019

    I know addiction isn't easy. But I don't know any other way but to encourage. On the bright side, acknowledgement isn't far from change.

    thank you man. u a real one. Ill take ur advice to the fullest.

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    you went to therapy for vaping?

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    what kinda s*** yall vaping that you cough up blood and mucus

  • Dec 12, 2019
    1 reply

    what kinda s*** yall vaping that you cough up blood and mucus

    the same s*** as everyone else. And went to therapy for personal problems but I Brought that up

  • Dec 13, 2019

    Close pod system is f***ing trash

  • Dec 13, 2019

    the same s*** as everyone else. And went to therapy for personal problems but I Brought that up

    damn sorry i thought you meant you actually went to therapy because of your vape addiction

    idk i quit vaping a couple weeks ago it wasnt that hard tbh. i used to smoke cigs and switched to vaping and felt a lot better. i never coughed up mucus or blood either

  • Dec 13, 2019

    Hope you get the clarity you need OP. You’re still young and there are way worse things to be addicted to so take that into consideration. Just need to take it one step at a time and understand it’s not going to happen overnight

  • Dec 13, 2019
    2 replies

    imagine getting nicotine addiction sucking on a USB stick

  • Dec 13, 2019
    1 reply

    get zyban if you can't quit with nicotine gum or patches though

  • Dec 13, 2019
    1 reply

    get zyban if you can't quit with nicotine gum or patches though

    whats that?

  • stay up fam

  • Dec 13, 2019
    1 reply

    whats that?

    wellbutrin/bupropion. it's an antidepressant but also used for nicotine addiction. you use it for around 2 months. it blocks the receptors that make you enjoy and crave nicotine or some s*** like that

  • Dec 13, 2019

    wellbutrin/bupropion. it's an antidepressant but also used for nicotine addiction. you use it for around 2 months. it blocks the receptors that make you enjoy and crave nicotine or some s*** like that

    whoa thats huge ill def look into it

  • Dec 13, 2019
    1 reply

    so glad i thought it was dumb in hs

  • Dec 13, 2019

    so glad i thought it was dumb in hs

    on god i never f***ed with it, felt like a waste of time lmao

  • Dec 13, 2019

    stay up though fam life goes on

  • Dec 13, 2019

    😂 damn g thats tough as hell ill never hit no nicotine