I just hope Veeze don’t turn into a lazy ass nigga and wait years to drop again.
I just hope Veeze don’t turn into a lazy ass nigga and wait years to drop again.
A collab album with Babyface Ray is a dream
A collab album with Babyface Ray is a dream
This gonna happen with Lucki, not face, sadly.
This gonna happen with Lucki, not face, sadly.
Either Lucki or Lil Baby tbh
Either Lucki or Lil Baby tbh
Keep Lil Baby trash ass the absolute f*** away from this nigga. I wouldn't even be able to make it through the project stop it.
He talkin to these niggas on No Sir Ski
im in LA f***in cokehead models
im in LA f***in cokehead models
i thoufgt he said MIA
hoes in both places anyway
Woke up zooted from yesterday turned on safe n got more zooted. Crazy way to start a day