breastfeed for first 6 months and slowly start to introduce solid foods around that time. rice cereal, leafy greens, etc
Wow, I didn’t know that. So when does breastfeeding/milk-dependency stop fully, 6 months?
Like at around which age would it become dangerous for a kid only to drink milk I guess
op threads looking like some click baiting right wing news rag
take the thread privileges away
Sheila and her 30-year-old husband Ryan said were both charged with murder after the 18-month-old's death. They admitted to police that they should have called 911 when Ezra started struggling to breathe back in 2019, but that they went to sleep instead
Just s***ty parents overall
Maaaaaaaaaan a lot of folk don’t deserve children. This is so sad.
OP didnt read the article, but whats new with right wing outrage farm types lol
That being said, it is much harder to raise a young child on a vegan diet and should really only be done if you have the right amount of time/knowledge
my 18 month old will only eat wagyu steak fed to him by salt bae
Will he dangle it above his mouth 👄 before slowly dropping it in?
op threads looking like some click baiting right wing news rag
@loner this needs to stop if you want to keep making threads
Will he dangle it above his mouth 👄 before slowly dropping it in?
of course bro, like the airplane trick
i need plants to explain to me if there's actually a feasible vegan diet for children
her son ezra died in 2019 from complications caused by malnutrition
clearly this lady isnt gonna figure out
You’re an idiot
What nutrients does meat provide that things like beans, lentils, chickpeas, and protein cant provide
op threads looking like some click baiting right wing news rag
2 of them could be construed as that
n that’s assuming u think bein vegan is a left/right thing
2 of them could be construed as that
n that’s assuming u think bein vegan is a left/right thing
The only people who think being vegan is left wing are weird right winger people
op threads looking like some click baiting right wing news rag
op is some bozo who used to s*** post on KTT1 all the time, i remember this bum always trolling in the weeknd sxn
i need plants to explain to me if there's actually a feasible vegan diet for children
her son ezra died in 2019 from complications caused by malnutrition
clearly this lady isnt gonna figure out
Yes there is. Loads of people in India live off vegan diets. You can get all your proteins from lentils. The fruitanism diet is trash though
Wow, I didn’t know that. So when does breastfeeding/milk-dependency stop fully, 6 months?
Like at around which age would it become dangerous for a kid only to drink milk I guess
Humans can survive on breastmilk alone for about the first year
@loner this needs to stop if you want to keep making threads
Sad s*** ktt is turning into a communist hellhole and not letting @op exercise his free speech
@loner this needs to stop if you want to keep making threads
Wow freedom of speech much
A diet for children must be much more secure than that of an adult's. Calcium, Iron, B12, and Vitamin D are areas where vegan diets may be deficient in, and with younger children these can prove not good for their development.
Unless you're eating foods that are fortified with these, they will not be getting enough. A multivitamin/supplementation is necessary.
calcium iron you can get from bean or lentils. Vitamin D you can get from regular exposure to the sun. idk any natural b12 sources for vegans
@loner this needs to stop if you want to keep making threads
Why lol it’s not like he’s posting fake news
@loner this needs to stop if you want to keep making threads
orville redenbacher's 1973
Why lol it’s not like he’s posting fake news
Lmao he’s quite literally harassing a vegan repeatedly itt and explicitly making this out to be an agenda against vegans for no good reason. The woman in the article clearly neglected her children and let them die on the basis of a terrible vegan-based diet, not a vegan diet in itself
If you only fed your kid a steak every day he would die the same way if you only fed him mangoes and pineapples.