I wish Raimi was making this. Unfortunately he doesn't like the character Venom
But man he would be the perfect pick to make a horror x comedy comic book film
When the woman in the connivence store said Hi Venom
d’fuck? That took me way out
If this franchise goes past Carnage/3 movies, I would love to see them adapt Planet of the Symbiotes. That way we get Klyntar and Knull
Can't compare live action with animation
I'm comparing the display of relationship between a symbiote and host.
Carnage looks very cool and I hope the fights aren't going to look like another goopy CG mess like the first film.
Looks way better than the previous one
I'd say they're doing as much as they can, keeping it dark so the CGI doesn't look completely terrible
And the first one had an amazing cinematographer too, doing all of Aronofsky’s movies. But he must’ve fell into the same trap because venom 1 did not look like his other movies
Post credit scene:
Eddie walking the streets of San Fran
His phone rings
“Hey Brock it’s Jameson.. been hearing about your good work out in the west ... think it’s time you come back home “
(Or some s*** like that )
And the first one had an amazing cinematographer too, doing all of Aronofsky’s movies. But he must’ve fell into the same trap because venom 1 did not look like his other movies
Yeah I think it's partially because fo how restricted they are when it comes to movies filled with CGI like this
Also has to do with the range of cinematographer
When the woman in the connivence store said Hi Venom
d’fuck? That took me way out
Bruh the first scene of the trailer had my nigga Venom making Eddie breakfast, but THATS what took you out?
Carnage looks fire don’t like woody as the casting but it’s whatever.
looks like this movie won’t be taking itself seriously which is good at least
this is f***ing stupid but hilarious gonna be another classic like venom
Knock Knock let the carnage in
I find it funny as hell how people are thinking that this and Morbius take place in the original Sam Raimi Spider-Man universe based off a newspaper design choice
What color is carnage even?? S*** is hurting my eyes
Of all things, why not just make the nigga crimson??? That's step 1????