one of my favorite ktt pastimes is going into an album thread on drop day and seeing everyone unanimously hating on it :
Thread got me dead. Making me want to check the album out
not to be that guy
but i really wanna hear vic step away from the horns + trap drums and away from the emotional “deep” type beats and get on some weirder production
not to be that guy
but i really wanna hear vic step away from the horns + trap drums and away from the emotional “deep” type beats and get on some weirder production
Another “artist the ENTIRE WORLD would rather hear a Kaytranada collab with instead of the collabs we get” case
not to be that guy
but i really wanna hear vic step away from the horns + trap drums and away from the emotional “deep” type beats and get on some weirder production
Especially them horn trap drums beats be has never made a single good song with that sound like literally not one yet keeps doing it
Especially them horn trap drums beats be has never made a single good song with that sound like literally not one yet keeps doing it
U Mad is good wym
I ain't heard this, I'm scared to lol niggas throwing they v-cards in the dirt itt off this album
Especially them horn trap drums beats be has never made a single good song with that sound like literally not one yet keeps doing it
i think it’s the curse of success tbh. u mad and that song with g eazy have crazy streams so i’m guessing that’s why he flooded his album with those type of joints
but it doesn’t help at all
Especially them horn trap drums beats be has never made a single good song with that sound like literally not one yet keeps doing it
Fr. He hopping on those beats like
That's it tho
Idk even if that song is good (which is debtable, i think it was cool at the time bc he had a song w Ye but the beat was always eh) that was so long ago and its outdated now
i think it’s the curse of success tbh. u mad and that song with g eazy have crazy streams so i’m guessing that’s why he flooded his album with those type of joints
but it doesn’t help at all
I hope he realizes one day those songs have a lot of streams bc of the features not the beats, and they would probably have even more streams w better beats
I ain't heard this, I'm scared to lol niggas throwing they v-cards in the dirt itt off this album
While the album is arguably his worst project (depending on how you feel about Hooligans & 93punx), I think the reactions here are a bit too extreme
There are a few elements of a good album here, and the things that make it bad are similar to the things he’s corrected in the past (i.e. “hype” tracks, trendy songs, G-Eazy features, etc.)
Another “artist the ENTIRE WORLD would rather hear a Kaytranada collab with instead of the collabs we get” case
!! it would be a perfect time for that
i liked kaytramine but i think i’d like to hear vic or goldlink do an album
with kaytra even more. especially if vic was in his innanetape bag with that elastic flow. he could get off the same subject matter too, but kaytra beats would keep it interesting and add new dimensions
I hope he realizes one day those songs have a lot of streams bc of the features not the beats, and they would probably have even more streams w better beats
me too, i really have a theory that if vic and chance never fell out, or if around u mad era, vic linked with travis and built his own sound with the GOOD music team, his career would be a lil different.
i wish no id would have put his arm around him too at some point
vic has bars and he has heart, but i think that lack of guidance leads to his stuff coming out unfocused or ineffective
Vic can rap like this effortlessly, then turn around and release this kind of music. Baffling man.
Vic can rap like this effortlessly, then turn around and release this kind of music. Baffling man.
93 punx album is great
Vic has many standout songs in his discography