VICE got access to the unedited interview with Carlson that includes more questionable statements
Some quotes:
Not that bad
didn't he said PP was to control the black population or something like that a few years ago?
The fake children claim is sad though
The fake children claim is sad though
You know they only cut that out so those f***in idiot conservative boomers wouldn’t see how truly out of it he is right now
Tucker and Fox took advantage of him being in this state, it’s clear as day
He's legit unraveling.
I don't believe in 'cancelling' but I feel like he's flying so close to the sun man. He may have done some irreparable damage this time.
“fake children” had been placed in his house to manipulate his children.
In one more aside, Ye told Carlson that he was going to be “the first Latino president.” That statement was aired, but it was followed by something that wasn’t. “I just, I trust Latinos when I, you know, when I work with them,” he told Carlson. “I trust them more than—” he paused. “I'll be safe, certain other businessmen, you know.” (Carlson did not ask which businessmen those might be.)
more anti-semitism and claims of fake children being "not bad" shows how far this man has fallen
“I have visions that God gives me, just over and over, on community building and how to build these free energy, kinetic, fully kinetic energy communities,” he told Carlson, “where we impress—we put the least impression on the earth. We're not building the new New York skyline cockfight. That we are humble in the way that we present ourselves. We’ve got to rethink who we are as a species.”
I get where he is going with this but he sounds like the guy who invented Chiropractic when God talked to him about it in his dream lol
more anti-semitism and claims of fake children being "not bad" shows how far this man has fallen
Where is the anti-semitism?
It seems like you can’t even say the word Jew without getting called an anti-Semite
“fake children” had been placed in his house to manipulate his children.
no ye I will not hate you
try again